Chapter 17

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Niall's POV

I awoke to the sun bursting through my window. I groaned rolling over to feel something warm and soft next to me. I peaked one of my eyes open, to see Harry laying next to me. I calmed down when all the memories of last night came back to me. Rolling over fully onto my side, I reach a hand out to run my fingers through Harry's hair. While doing this a small smirk formed on his lips.

"Morning sleepy head" I mumbled. "Hm.... Morning baby" Harry mumbled back. He moved closer to lean his head right next to mine, placing a small peck onto my lips. "We better get up, I'm guessing Lou has cooked something since I can smell burnt toast" I explained to Harry. "Hm.... Fine, yeah lets go before Louis burns the house down" Harry added on, slowly climbing out of bed. Both of us split up going to our own bathrooms to clean up, before making our way down to the kitchen.

"Please don't tell me you let Lou cook again" I wined to Zayn as I walked through into the kitchen. "Yeah Li let him cook" Zayn answered rolling his eyes, and looking towards Louis who was trying to get toast out of the toaster with a knife. "LOU. LOU. No don't use a knife!" Harry screamed running towards him after walking into the kitchen. Harry managed to pull Louis away from the bench, before he could put the knife any closer to the toaster. "Let me cook please" Harry begged to Louis. I couldn't help but to laugh at Louis's face when Harry begged for him to cook instead. "Fine" Lou huffed, planting himself next to Zayn at the table. Harry then went on to cook us all breakfast. Liam joined us while Harry was cooking, receiving a lecture from Lou about how Harry begged him not to cook.

"Liam I don't understand why Harry won't let me cook. I'm a great chef" Louis wined at Liam. Liam just continued on ignoring him, while Louis started getting louder and louder until Liam finally snapped. "OKAY LOU! WE GET IT!" Liam snapped. "Please just stop whining" Liam now begged. Louis laid his head down on the table saying things that they couldn't put together. Except for me. As Louis was mumbling, I couldn't help but try and not laugh at what he was saying.

Zayn looked over at me with a confused face. "What's so funny?" he asked. "N-nothing" I replied back trying to keep in my laughs. "Ni!" Zayn warned. "Fine fine, chill out. I'm laughing at what Louis is saying." I reply rolling my eyes. "WHAT! You can hear me!" Louis yelled from across the table. "Yep super hearing. Just warning." I smirk. "Dam" Lou muttered putting his head back into his arms.

"Aww it's fine Boobear. Here have some breakfast." Harry cooed placing a huge plate of pancakes down on the table.

Ze - "Yum"
Li - "Thanks"

These were the only words the three boys said before digging into the pile. Harry smiled at the others before walking over to sit down next to me. "Hay baby" Harry said leaning over to give me a peck on the lips. The other boys were to busy to notice anything, so we just went onto joining breakfast until the plate of pancakes was empty.

After breakfast Liam, Zayn and Louis made their way into the living room leaving Harry and I to clean up. I started to fill the sink with hot water and soap, while Harry collected the plates and wiped down the table. Once he had finished his job, he made himself comfortable on the island bench. While washing up, the whole time I could feel Harry's eyes watching my every move.

"You know Harry, if you take a picture it will last longer." I spoke up with a smirk playing on my lips. "Hmm" A hum was all I got in response from Harry. I didn't even hear him when he slid of the bench and walked over to me. Because as soon as I placed the last plate on the drying rack, I felt two arms snake their way around my waist. I turned around to be meet with two Emerald green eyes looking into my Crystal blue ones.

"Love you baby" Harry whispered. "Love you too curly" I whispered back. Harry just smiled and lent forwards, connecting our lips in a sweet kiss. What ended up turning into a small make-out session, since well....... I didn't hear the three pairs of footsteps coming towards the Kitchen.

Sorry for the short chapter, but had to get some sort of chapter out.

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Water, Fire, Earth, Air, telekinesis - One DirectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora