Chapter 3

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Harry's POV
Right now we're stuck sitting and wait in the hospital for any news on Niall. Liam was a mess. As soon as Niall got pulled away, Liam just broke down. I felt like breaking down myself, but new I had to stay strong to comfort Liam and any of the other boys.

"It's my fault, it's my fault" Liam whispered into my chest, quite sobs here and there. "It's not your fault Liam, it was securities because they weren't doing their job" I quietly said back to Liam who was slowly starting to fall asleep. "Go to sleep Liam, I'll promise to wake you up if there is any news" I lightly spoke in Liam's ear to calm him down. After a few more minutes quite snores are heard from him. I sigh with relief knowing that Liam is finally calm.

After moving Liam to the side onto another chair, I look up to see where the other two boys are. Louis has fallen asleep on Zayn shoulder, while Zayn just sat there staring at the clock. I sighed leaning back into my chair to keep myself calm, and trying to get a little shut eye. But after attempting to sleep, I sit back up to look over at Louis and Zayn, Louis is still asleep but curled up in a ball on the chair. Liam is also still asleep in the chair next to me, but it's Zayn I'm starting to worry about. He's still in the same position as before staring absentmindedly at the clock.

But just before I'm able to walk over to Zayn, I hear a door open and a woman holding a notepad and wearing a white coat walks into the room. "Guys wake up the doctors here" I say raising my voice in a  attempt to wake the boys and knock Zayn out of his trance.

Zayn immediately jumps out of his chair running over to the women with many emotions running across his face. Liam and Louis start to sit up rubbing their eyes, walking over to the doctor closely followed by myself.

"Good afternoon boys" the doctor spoke with a calm voice. "How is he? Is he going to live? Is he awake? Oh God he's alive right?" "Liam calm down it's okay, let the doctor talk" I spoke wrapping my arms around him to try and keep him calm.

"Well to answer one of your questions Liam, he is perfectly fine. Very healthy and strong." The doctor reassured us. "But I do have to warn you I have bad and good news to inform you guys today. So what do you want to hear first the good or the bad." She asked looking at all of our faces for an answer. Zayn spoke for the first time in awhile, "Let's start with the bad news to get that over and done with, then we can have the good news to help us through." We all nodded in response.

"Okay well the bad news is that Niall lost a lot of blood last night, so we had to do a blood transfusion. And as well he was in quite a lot of shock making his body paralysed. Because of this Niall's body had shut down causing him to slip into a coma for a couple of days or weeks, we don't know yet for sure." The doctor spoke still in a calm tone.

"Now the good news. We had to perform a surgery on Niall's knee because of where the stab wound was. But once he fully wakes up, he will be able to fully walk again with the help of crutches, and you guys will be able to go home and get on with your lives." This time the doctor spoke with a huge smile on her face.

All of us let out a breath we didn't know we were holding. "You may see him now".

We made our way down the plane hallways to room 209 in the recovery ward. Only to see a very pale looking Niall on the bed, his skin looks to be frozen over and his hair seems to be more of a natural white colour then usual. I definitely wasn't the only one who noticed this, because as soon as Zayn laid eyes on Niall panic once again overtook him.

Once everyone was in the room the nurse quietly excused herself out of the room closing the door behind her. "Guys is it just me or does he look different?" I decide to speak up. "Yeah he does actually?" Louis spoke with a confused face. "Well at least he's alive and well" Liam breathed out, trying to keep the atmosphere in the room calm.

"Well guys let's get comfortable, because this is going to be a long night". I assured the boys receiving nods from each. "Don't worry Niall were right here, and not going to leave you"

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