Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

"Niall! Oh my god your awake!" I shirked like a school girl. As soon as those words left my mouth the other three boys came rushing to my side, so now all four of us were standing over Niall looking for anymore movement.

"Hay boys" Niall whispered but loud enough for us to hear. "Niall thank god your okay" Zayn said. But before any of the other boys could speak a nurse and doctor came in.

"Boys could you please step outside while we give Niall a look over now that he's awake please" The doctor asked. I gave him a nod before pushing Liam, Zayn and Louis out the door back into the plain creepy hallway of the hospital. About 10 minutes later the door to Niall's room opens back up to reveal the doctor and nurse leaving before informing us we can now go back in.

Just as we walked in Niall started firing questions after questions at us.

"How long have I been out? What happened when I was asleep?" Niall asked looking from face to face pleading for answers. "Niall calm down we'll answer all your questions, now just one at a time please" Liam spoke while walking up to the side of his bed. "okay thanks Liam" Niall spoke calming down a bit.

This time Louis to my surprise spoke up being all serious. "Niall you were out for only two days, and do you really not remember what happened to you?" "TWO DAYS, it only felt like one...." Niall trailed off. "Niall do you remember what happened to you?" I asked looking into his confused light blue eyes. 'Hm, I don't remember Niall having such light blue eyes?' I thought. "Yeah I do remember" Niall whispered looking down at his fingers that were fiddling with the bed sheets.

"Niall can you please tell us what happened?" Liam spoke with much caution as possible. "Okay I'll tell you what I remember" Niall whispered still looking at his fingers, "Hay Niall it's okay take your time" I assured lifting his head up with two of my fingers. "Thanks Harry" Niall spoke looking directly into my green eyes. We all sat in silence waiting for him to gather his thoughts.

"Okay here is what happened" Niall finally spoke up catching the attention of everyone.

Niall's POV 

'I can't tell them what exactly happened so I'll only go with some of the details, yeah that's what I'll do' I thought. "Okay here is what happened" I spoke up catching the attention of the others.

"When I ran into Nando's I was waiting in line, when someone grabbed my shoulder. Thinking it was one of you boys I turned around, but was meet with a complete stranger. I went to go run or walk away, but the stranger only grabbed onto my shoulder harder and pulled me out through the back. All of a sudden I was thrown against one of the walls in the alley. After awhile of struggling I felt a great pain in my knee, and when I felt that pain, I all of a sudden I punched the person in front of me as hard as I could. Then everything went blank, and I woke up here." I inform the boys, but feeling guilty because I had lied straight to their faces. But then again I did tell most of the truth, just changed the part about shooting ice straight at the figure with bright red eyes.

But I promised Iclyn that I wouldn't tell the boys about any of this magical stuff until they were ready themselves.

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