Chapter 10

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Niall's POV

After that nice refreshing shower, I made my way back towards my bed falling backwards onto the soft mattress.

"Niall are you awake yet?" a voice whispered from the other side of the door. Super hearing yes! "Yeah I'm awake Harry" I called out so he could hear me. The door started to slowly creak open revealing a tried and sad looking harry. "How did you know it was me?" Harry quavered. "Could tell by your morning voice" I answered with a shrug. "O-okay" He replied looking down at his feet, still standing in the door way.

After a few seconds of Harry just standing there I decided to speak up. "Harry what's wrong" I whispered looking towards the upset boy. "Bad dream, can't sleep" he answered with tears starting to fill his eyes. "Oh Harry come here" I gasped not wanting him to cry. Harry slowly made his way over to me after closing the door, and snuggling up into my open arms laying his head on my chest. "Try and get some more sleep" I whispered into his ear, seconds later I could hear the soft snores from Harry as he slept in my arms.

I was happy that Harry had come to me for comfort, but for some reason whenever Harry and I hugged, talked or even looked at each other, I felt this pull towards him. And this is really starting to scare me. I can't have feelings for Harry. I mean he's my best friend and bandmate, plus I'm straight right. Having all these thoughts running through my mind made me surprisingly tried, so I closed my eyes drifting off with Harry curled up in my arms.

~Later that day around 9:30am~

"Shh you'll wake them!". I heard voices from inside my room. Groaning I tried to turn onto my side but something soft stopped me. I slowly opened my tired eyes to see Harry laying curled up beside me with both his arms wrapped around my waist. 'Sh*t how did Harry get in here' I thought to myself, then all of a sudden memories from early this morning came flooding into my head. 'Oh that's right'. Once again I could hear different voices from inside my room, I moved my head up from the pillow to see Zayn, Liam and Louis all standing at the end of my bed.

"What" I groaned at them, a smile just formed onto Zayn's face, Liam gave me a slight smile plus a confused look, but Louis was standing there a smile so big I was sure it covered his whole face with his phone in one hand taking pictures of me and Harry. "Louis" I growled, instead of answering he just bolted from my room."I'll go after him" Liam suggested making his way out the door. I turned to look at Zayn once he started talking. "Sorry about Louis, we just came in here to let you know that today we have the day off, but found Harry in here too and Louis couldn't help himself with the 'Narry' moment" Zayn explained."Great, I'm guessing this is all going to be over twitter?" I asked. Zayn nodded his head before giving me small smile then waved, before walking out of the room closing the door behind him.

'At least we have the day off today' I thought while looking down to see Harry still sound asleep in my arms. I decided to let him sleep a little longer, so I unwrapped his arms from around me and slipped out of bed walking over to my desk to log onto twitter.

"Damn you Louis" I muttered under my breath. Shuffling was then heard from my bed, so I turned around to see Harry slowly sitting up rubbing his eyes. "Niall" he squeaked out trying to look around the room since his eyes weren't used to the light yet. Tears started to fill up his eyes when he couldn't see me. "Hay hay it's okay Harry, it's okay" I assured him, quickly making my way over to him before he broke down. As soon as I sat down beside him, Harry jumped straight into my arms tears pouring down his cheeks.

"It's okay, it's okay" I said slowly rocking him backwards and forwards while he cried his eyes out.

It's now been a couple minutes since Harry broke down in my arms. I'm now laying down with Harry laying on my chest, quite sobs filling the room now and then. I decided to break the silence, "You okay, want to talk about what happened?". Harry slowly lifted himself off of me leaning his back against the bed frame. I sat up as well waiting for him to start talking.

"I had another bad dream" he said just above a whisper. Luckily I had super hearing so I could understand him. "Do you want to tell me about it?" I asked. Harry leaned over to lean on my shoulder, burying his head into my neck. He started to speak quietly so only I would hear him.

Harry's POV

I lent over to lean against Niall burying my head into his neck, I then took a deep breath before continuing on telling him about this nightmare. "All five of us were walking through a forest - know idea where - when all of a sudden a bright light comes from behind us...... Then when we turned around five giant wolves came out from the shrubs growling at us. But when they ran at us you stepped in front of us like you were protecting us from them...... But I couldn't see what happened next because one of the wolves got passed you, and ran at me, but as the wolf pushed me to the ground..... I saw another wolf.... k-k-k-kill Louis a few meters from me......" I said breaking down into tears again.

Niall's POV

After Harry finished explaining his nightmare to me, I quickly wrapped him up in my arms to calm him down since he broke down in tears again. What Harry said really surprised me but at the same time really worried me, because ever since I got these powers I've realised that anything could come real or true at any moment. "Haz where has such a dream come from?" I ask wondering where he could get such a dream like that. "I-I don't know, I've had this thing for animals out of nowhere, but my dreams went against me I guess." he answered lifting his head to look me in the eyes.

I cupped his face with my hands, looking back into his eyes as well. "Well don't worry Hazza I won't let anything happen to the boys and definitely you." I assured him. Harry then lent forwards towards my face with his eyes closed. In that moment my heart rate sped up, closing my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine, but the only feeling I got was his forehead leaning against mine and his warm breath against my lips. "I think we should go get some breakfast before the others eat it all" he spoke up. I simply nodded my head afraid of what my voice would would do.

Harry then stood up off the bed, turning around to take my hand and pulling me up off the bed. He started to lead me towards the bedroom door. Looking down I saw that he had his and my hands intertwined with each other. I managed to calm my heart rate down back to normal before he lead me out the door and down the stairs into the kitchen, where we meet Liam, Louis and Zayn.

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