Chapter 18

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Niall's POV

"What. The. Hell!" I heard Louis shout. Harry and I jumped apart, and turned to face the other three standing in the doorway. "Ummm...." Harry stuttered. "Mind telling us what's going on?" Liam questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Um.... N-nothing" I stuttered. "Niall!" Zayn warned taking a step closer to Harry and I. All four boys knew that I couldn't hide anything from Zayn since we were so close like brothers. I then looked over to Harry. He walked over to me and held my hand turning to the others.

"Niall and I are together" Harry stated leaning into my chest.

"Aww" Zayn cooed. "Nice" Louis smiled. "Wow really?" Liam asked, a smile crawling across his face. "Yeah" I answered, blushing bright red. "Yaaaaaaaaaaay" Louis screamed running around the house. Liam just rolled his eyes at our older band mate, where Zayn just laughed walking over to Liam.

"So what do we want to do boys" Liam asked clapping his hands together, to catch the attention of Louis who was still running around. Louis then came running into the kitchen panting, and jumped up onto the bench. "Louis off the bench" Liam commanded. Being Lou he didn't listen, and sat down with his feet hanging over the edge. Liam just rolled his eyes, but continued to talk.

"So I was thinking since we have more time off. I thought we could check out the water park down the road we always see?"

"Yeah okay" I shrugged.

H - "Cool, fine by me"

Z - "Sure"

Louis on the other hand, had a very loud response. "YAAAAAAAAAAAY" he screamed, making me cover my eyes from the noise. Louis then noticed that I was in pain, and stopped screaming. "Sorry Niall, forgot about the super hearing" Lou apologised. "It's fine" I answered back.

"Well I guess it's settled. We're going to the water park. Now go get changed" Liam spoke, picking Louis up from the bench and placing the smaller boy on his hip. "Liam I know I'm small, but I can walk you know" Louis mumbled as Liam started to walk off. "I know, but you act like a three year old. So, I have decided to treat you like one." I heard Liam answer before disappearing up the stairs. Zayn, Harry and myself couldn't help but to laugh at the two older boys. "Well let's go" Harry jumped grabbing my hand, and pulling me up the stairs.

~ At the water park ~

The whole day I had trouble trying to control myself when around Harry. All he wore throughout the park, was a pair of swimming trunks, no shirt and let his hair wild. Every now and then he would catch me staring and I would look away blushing like mad. Where he would just smirk and continue on making it harder to control myself.

Even throughout the day Liam continued to treat Louis like a three year old. But his plan was backfiring on him without him even noticing.

Since Louis was getting the three year old treatment, he continued on acting like one. Because Liam would end up doing things for him, and would even carry Lou around when he acted up or tried to run. So let's just say that the oldest member of the band, was now becoming the youngest of the group. Plus a good thing was that we only ran into a few fans there, lucky when Liam wasn't giving Louis the three year old treatment.

~ Later that night back at the house ~

"Niall" Harry wined from the living room. "What's up mate?" I ask walking in and leaning over the couch to look down at him. "Mate? Really babe" Harry wined raising his eyebrows. "Harry we aren't officially together, so I'll call you the normal" I shrug back. "Well then" Harry smirked sitting up.

"Niall James Horan, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" Harry asked looking straight into my eyes.

"Harry Edwards Styles, it would be my honor to be your boyfriend" I reply smiling.

Harry returned the smile, and lent in to give me a small peck. We then both stayed in the living room watching movies and cuddling, while the other three boys were out shopping. But eventually our peace and quiet had to end, when Louis came bursting through the front door.

"THE TOMMO THE TOMLINSON IS BACK LOVE BIRDS!" He screamed out into the house. I paused the movie, and called back out. "We're in the living room"

Seconds later Zayn, Liam and Louis made their way into the room making themselves comfortable. "So whatcha watching?" Louis asked planting himself down in the middle of the floor. "Supernatural" Harry answered laying his head in the crook of my neck. The boys all cooed at Harry and I before I pressed play, letting everyone settle down.

We all ended up falling asleep down stairs. But I was awoken, by a crash up stairs later in the night.

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