Chapter 4

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The girls dress for this chapter above ⬆️

Everything's dark. Just dark.

"HARRY, LIAM, LOUIS, ZAYN! HELP GUYS WHERE ARE YOU!?" I screamed only to hear an echo of my own voice. As I attempt to scream out again, a bright white light burst through the darkness blinding me for a few minutes until my eyes refocus onto what appears to be a frozen, snowy field.

"Hello my dearest boy"

I turn around in a flash, to see a stunning women with white flowing hair, and a crystal pearl white gown and a gorgeous ice crown sitting on top of her head.

"W-who are you? How am I here? What's going on?" I ask looking around trying to find answers. "It's okay Niall, calm down everything is fine, your alive and the others are fine as well" the unnamed woman spoke. "Can you please tell me what's going on?" I plead to the woman.

"You my dearest boy are one of five to gain powers, and help the world break free from their bad ways and inspire others. Even though you are already inspiring others with your music, I can't be more proud" She spoke with a smile spreading across her face keeping her gaze on me. "Powers? I'm still really confused here? Is that why I feel so connected to the ice and water now?"

"Yes that's why you feel more connected towards the ice and water, because you have the power of those two elements. I will tell you everything you want to know and give you the knowledge to control your magic". The woman spoke slowly while walking through the white snow towards me. "Well first of all let me introduce myself, I'm Iclyn your protector and guide."

"Well Iclyn, I'm Niall but since you already know that please can you start explaining everything about how and why this is all happening please" I ask her both sitting down near the frozen waterfall in the white and fluffy snow. "Okay I'll tell you everything."

"Well the legend of all this started centuries ago, way before technology was even thought of. Five children were born with great powers to end the war of all wars. The human race nearly ending up destroying each other until these five hero's stepped up. Three of them being male and the other two female, using their powers to bring peace to earth and put together everything they had pulled apart. After everything had settled down on earth, the five hero's decided to settle down themselves as well. Meaning these hero's had children of their own creating the line of superpowers into their families genes. But only until the powers are needed do these powers awaken in a boy or girl around the world. And you my dear are from my family line".

"Wow, so what does that mean? What does that make me them?" I asked worry slightly weaving into my brain. "Well that makes you one of my great descendants, but don't worry everything you have grown up knowing is all true, your parents are Maura Gallagher and Bobby Horan, and your definitely still Irish. But to answer your question about what all this makes you, is the next water element. Your other friends are elements as well, I don't know any of your friends names yet but I can tell you the other four power"

"Yes please, then maybe I can work out which power goes with who?" I ask nearly jumping out of my skin with joy. "Okay, well you have fire, earth, air and electricity". "Electricity?" "Yes I know it's strange but it's one of the elements even though people don't believe it is."

"Well now that I know about the other powers I can try and guess who has what powers!" I say once again jumping with joy. "Well when you wake up Niall, you can't tell the others what I have said here. They will find out when their powers get unlocked and their protectors inform them. But yes they can find out you have these powers but try and hind them from the others until their powers get unlocked or they catch you. And definitely don't let anyone on the outside find out about these powers before the time comes."

"Thank you Iclyn, now everything makes so much more sense, but when can I go home to the others?" I ask hoping that I'll be able to return very soon, since I'm missing my four idiot best friends. "Well then I'll let you go, but just remember what I have said and you can call for me whenever you need help. So before you go I'll give you the gift of knowledge, so you know how to use every single power you have like you've had them for years."

"Thank you again Iclyn, and don't worry everything you have said is safe and locked inside my head."

"See you soon my boy"

After Iclyn said that last sentence, another blinding white light hit my eyes bring a view of a room with four boys standing over the top of me.

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