Fake Love

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Jae Ham

At ten thirty on Thursday morning, I'm standing on the doorstep of Sage's house, the sun casting its bright rays over its maroon roof.

I'm wearing a plain white polo, navy blue pants, and rubber shoes.

When I knock on the door seven times, it swings open to reveal a pretty girl with a long blonde braid resting on the middle of her back. She's dressed in a simple white shirt, denim mini skirt, and black leggings and white converse sneakers.

How she manages to look both casual and elegant is beyond me.

I gaze at Sage appreciatively. "You're beautiful and charming and I can't stop thinking about last night."

No, I didn't say that. Not exactly anyway. What Sage heard was, "Hey-how are you?"

"Good," she answers with a smile. "And you?"

"Good," I echo her sentiment, struggling not to stare so much. "Do you want some coffee? I brought a thermos," I add, motioning to my green backpack.

"No, that's okay. I had some coffee before I opened the door."

"Black?" I venture.

"White, with cream and sugar."

"With toast and jelly?"

"No, with my cereal. Why?"

I nod. "Just curious." I look at her carefully. "Can I ask you a question?"

"As long as it's not about my breakfast," she parries jokingly.

"It might sound strange."

"Why does that not surprise me?"

I clear my throat. "Well, I was just wondering whether you wrap your head in a towel after you shower."

Sage's jaw drops. "Pardon?"

"You know, after you shower. Do you wrap your head or do you style it right away?"

She studies me closely. "You're funny."

"That's what they say."

"Who says?"



"So.. do you?" I persist.

"Yes," she says finally with a mystified laugh. "I wrap my head in a towel."

I nod again, satisfied. "I thought so."

"So when are you going to tell me about them?" Sage asks, her eyes darting between the two children standing at my sides. Both are eight years old. The girl on my left has short blonde hair, cute freckles, a stripy pink and violet dress, and confident smile.

The boy on my right has neatly combed black hair, brown eyes, dark green shirt, and khaki pants. Whenever I look at him, he's frowning, but when he glances at Sage, he's smiling.


"Ate Sage!"

Russ tackles an already-squatting Sage into a tight embrace, her arms thrown around his small shoulders. Russ doesn't let go, but he makes space for Emilie to hug Sage as well.

"I'm glad you guys are here, but why are you here?" Sage asks them kindly.

Emilie answers first. "Jae visited me earlier at the orphanage. He said you were going to the zoo together and I wanted to come, so here I am!" She beams happily at Sage.

"Well, I'm happy to see you both," Sage informs Russell and Emilie, pulling them into a hug again. "Listen, why don't you two play with my cats for a few minutes while I talk to Ham about something, okay?"

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