21st Century Girls

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Sara Chan


It's impossible to please everyone. But pissing people off is a piece of cake. My father always reminds me to be careful with what I say, but my mother tells me otherwise. She says I should be able to speak my mind without being afraid of the backlash.. that it doesn't matter what the consequences are as long as I take advantage of freedom of speech.

When school ends and I step out of the building, I notice that it's pouring down hard.

I forgot my umbrella.. I squint my eyes into the darkness and think, It's probably too cold to just walk in the rain.

A girl with long brown hair and stylish jacket brushes past me while holding an umbrella over her head. She looks back at me, her red lips forming a smile. "Oh, see you, Sara."

"Y..yeah, see you later!" I stammer, hesitantly waving a hand at her.

A dark-haired girl also with a coat and umbrella joins Scarlet in the vicious rain. "Scar, did you just say bye to Sara?"

"Yeah. She's one of our friends from class, after all."

"Oh my God.. 'Friend'? I'm shocked that you can even call her a friend. Didn't you hear about her mom?"

Getting wet doesn't bother me. What I really hate is being the only one soaking wet in the middle of all those kids with umbrellas.

I feel so painfully lonely all the time.

"I'm home," I say after the chauffeur drops me off in front of the mansion. I'm so cold and hungry. Dad is on an out-of-the-country business trip, and mom isn't coming home today either.

The next day at school, I'd forgotten to bring the materials I need for the art project.

"Hey Sara. You can borrow my colored pencils," says a girl sitting behind me.

"T-thanks." "Don't mention it."

Our class president Scarlet is the only one who doesn't frown upon me. She's so smart and sweet. A ray of sunshine, always surrounded by friends.

I often wonder how great it is to be friends with someone like her.

During recess, I can hear some of my classmates talking to Scarlet about her relationship with me.

"Hey Scar. Didn't you just lend your colored pencils to Sara? Doesn't it bother you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" "She's rich! Why do you have to share with her? And I hear that her mom is crazy. What if you catch something?"

"Emory, don't talk like that. I just feel sorry for Sara. She's always alone. I'm the class president. I should help unlucky kids like that."

Wow.. Scarlet is so sweet, sticking up for me. But I want to be someone who can help others rather than someone who needs help. But is there anything I can do? Oh right!

A few minutes before school is over, I sigh with relief when I see Scarlet at her desk. There's no one else in the classroom but the two of us.

"Hey, Scarlet?" "Hmm?" "Here." I proffer the bottle of juice to her. "Thanks for lending me your colored pencils this morning."

"Huh? Ah.." Scarlet eyes me skeptically. "When did you buy that?"

"Oh.. this? I just bought it a minute ago."

"Come on, Scar! Let's go!" says two girls in the doorway.

Scarlet pushes back her chair and rises. "I'm coming!" She smiles at me. "See you, Sara."

"What? You were with her? Ugh! Gross!" mutters one of her friends while they walk out.

I guess Scarlet doesn't like tropical juice.

A few months later, our adviser announces summer vacation, much to everyone's glee. "Settle down, class! Vacation's got you kids all excited, hasn't it?" Miss Ell smiles faintly.  Don't spend too much time playing. Read a book once in a while, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am!" "And don't forget to clear out your lockers. Oh, and class president? Stop by the faculty room after class." "Have a nice vacation,ma'am."

Scarlet stands up, collecting the attention of the entire classroom. "Hey guys. I'm having my birthday party at a buffet today. Anyone who wants to come is invited!"

"Sweet! A buffet!"

She said anyone who wants to come is invited, but the other kids and I all know.. there's no place for me there.

"You seem tired, Sara," says my Aunt Sandra one Sunday afternoon. Once again, I'm all alone in the grand mansion, and the closest friend I have is my aunt, who visits every weekend, probably to check up on me.

When I don't respond, she sit next to me on my princess-size bed. "Are you bored, Sara?" At her question, I quietly nod my head yes.

"Do you want to go shopping? We'll have dinner first before we buy new clothes and get makeovers. My treat."

Shopping? Makeovers? I sit up and frown at my lovely aunt. "What's wrong with my clothes?" I ask, tugging at my turtleneck and long skirt self-consciously.

Aunt Sandra waves her hand in front of her, giving me an apologetic smile. "Your wardrobe is fine, Sara. But it might be a good idea to try out fashions that are more modern."

My eyes examine her own outfit. Ivory blouse, A-line skirt, and spiky heels. When I look down at my own clothes, I feel a wave of embarrassment for myself.

I gaze at my aunt determinedly. "Okay."

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