I Walk Above The Clouds

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Sage Heart

It is officially the start of the deal.

Date One: April 15: Fancy Dinner

Jae meets my eyes, takes a deep breath, and says, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I smile at him, then gesture to the long white box he's holding. "Are those for me?"

He nods before handing me the box. I lift open the lid to see nine long-stemmed yellow roses.

"There's one for every month I've known you."

I raise my chin to gaze at Jae. "That's sweet. Thank you. Come in while I find something to put these in."

At our table a few minutes later, I can't help but stifle a laugh. "She sounds great."

"Easy for you to say. She's not your mother."

Jae had just finished narrating about the incessant calls from his mother, who lives and works in England, fretting and fussing over his preparations for our date. She had left thirty frantic calls and messages on his phone, half of which were about his clothes, the other half on his behavior.

"She just cares about you," I tell him smilingly, before I sweep my gaze around the elegant restaurant. Everything about it screams class and sophistication. From the dark colors to the twinkling chandeliers and the six-piece band playing string music and the people dressed to the nines, sipping champagne and laughing merrily.

When my eyes land on Jae, he flashes a soft smile and says, "Nice, right?"

I nod in response, but that's not why I was scanning the place. "I was wondering.."

Jae grins at me. "I already ordered for us beforehand. I hope it's okay."

"Oh." I straighten up in surprise. "It's fine with me."

But when two waiters arrive, each holding up a salver covered by a silver dome, I feel my lips turn dry with apprehension. The last time I saw presentations like that, I..

The waiters lift the domes to reveal freshly cooked lobsters surrounded by matchstick-thin fries. As they gingerly place the salvers in front of us, they announce with a flourish, "Grilled lobster smothered in paisley butter with crisp french fries."

After both servers have left, Jae notices my expression. "Is something wrong?" he asks, the concern in his voice evident.

"No." I try to smile, but my lips aren't working properly. I pick up my fork and knife, attempting to slice through the yummy-looking lobster, but my fingers are shaking so violently, the silverware drop on the salver noisily.


"I'm fine," I snap, instantly regretting my short-temper. My brown eyes glance up at Jae's worried expression. "I'm sorry," I say honestly, before standing up. "Excuse me. I need to use the loo."

Jae Ham

What went wrong? It was going so well. But she suddenly fled to the john.

Something inside the pocket of my dinner jacket is vibrating. Luckily, I had set it on silent, otherwise, Mic Drop would have blasted throughout the classy restaurant.

"What?" I ask irritably.

The caller lets out a low whistle, annoying me more. "I take it something went wrong?"

"Why did you call?" I hiss into the receiver.

"Easy, man. I just wanted to check how your date's going." He pauses. "So, how's it going?"

I give a heavy sigh. Maybe I need this. Res listens quietly as I relay the events of the past five minutes. When I finish, I can hear him release a thoughtful Hmm before saying, "You said she seemed uneasy when the waiters came?"

"Yeah," I reply, staring down at my untouched plate.

"Perhaps one of them is an old flame?" Res offers helpfully.

His words catch me off guard. Who served our food again? I look around the room, but I can't recall the faces of the two waiters who approached our table earlier. My focus was on Sage.

"It's a possibility, but I don't think that's the case," I say, picturing Sage's reaction to the waiters. She didn't seem shocked to see either one, but her eyes seemed fixated on.. "The meals!" I exclaim in slight comprehension. "She was surprised when she saw the food."

"Maybe she's allergic?"

"No, I know she likes seafood," I counter, recalling the times we ate sushi for lunch and snacks at school. I also remember Knox mentioning that she once had a bite to eat with Sage at a Japanese restaurant.

"Let me think, let me think.." Res makes clicking noises, sounding deep in thought. "If I were on a date with a girl, and she suddenly got uncomfortable at the sight of a specific dish, why would she up and left?"

"Sage didn't up and left!" I deny furiously. "She excused herself to the bathroom!"

"Uh-huh. Some dates escape through the window, you know." His doubtful tone is bugging the hell out of me. "She's still in there, isn't she?"

I'm not giving him the satisfaction of knowing he's right.

"Did you call to be supportive or not?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Hey, take it easy." Res clears his throat awkwardly. "So let's say neither of the waiters is her ex. But maybe her behavior is still linked to an ex-boyfriend. Maybe it's connected to an unpleasant memory she doesn't want to remember. And the sight of lobster triggered her pain from the past."

After a thank you and goodbye, I end the call and pocket my phone, just as Sage returns to our table. She cautiously takes her seat, looks at me across the table, and smiles gently, her movements smooth and careful.

My eyes clap on hers. "Hey," I say, my tone light.

Sage looks relieved as she echoes in the same breezy manner, "Hey." She presses her red lips for a second, as if she's contemplating on what to say next. "I'm sorry."

I shake my head. "It's alright."

"No it's not," she says automatically. "I shouldn't have--" She breaks off, blowing out some air. She raises her gaze to find mine. "Can we start over?"

My mouth twitching with amusement, I muster the most deadpan expression I can wear.

"One month," I say flatly.

Sage blinks rapidly in astonishment. A second later, her face relaxes. "Funny," she retorts, her brown eyes flickering with humor. "I'd kick you under the table, but these heels are deadly."

"Maybe you should take them off, then--" Too late, I realize my error. That sounded inexorably ambiguous. Sage lifts one brow, her eyes squinting at me critically. "I-I mean, you know.. No, that's not what..!! I didn't mean--!"

My face flames. I'm drenched with mortification. I'm not sure whether to feel relieved or embarrassed when Sage giggles into her palm, eyeing me ebulliently.

She picks up her fork and knife again. I'm surprised when she starts cutting into the lobster with ease. Her gaze meets mine. "Let's eat?"

"You better not take any of my fries," I warn her, making a point to pop a fry into my mouth.

"If you were trying to leave a good first-date impression, I'm afraid you're failing," she teases, showing me a playful smile.

"The night is young," I remark, grinning broadly.

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