Born Singer

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Sage Heart

A Karaoke Party. Flair's eighteenth birthday is being held at the condo she shares with her elder sister, Sparkle, who is apparently on an out-of-town vacation with her boyfriend for two days, so as Flair put it, 'Thank God she's not here.'

It's a neat and decorative unit, with a cool bunk bed hovering above the living room. Flair says that bed belongs to her sister, so it's completely off-limits if you value your life. Flair's bedroom is behind the closed door between the bathroom and kitchen, which are visible from where I'm standing, which is the doorway, and I'm peeling off my rubber shoes because all visitors, according to Flair's elder sister, must always wear socks when inside the condo.

"She's so anal," says Flair, rolling her eyes before pushing the ten of us into the living room, where there are snacks and beverages ready on the wide glass center table. My gaze is nailed on the massive flat screen pinned on the mahogany wall. The system is complete with sleek amps, stereos, and multi-colored wires snaking along the cold linoleum floor.

While Flair, our host and celebrant, starts to fuss over remote controls and outlets, her guests/ friends are already bickering over who gets which snack.

I tuck a lock of fair hair behind my ear, trying to squash down my nervousness. I'm not used to being surrounded by this many people in an enclosed space. Granted, I go to school every day, and the classroom is always full of students, but this.. it's different somehow. More intimate, perhaps? I just don't want to look vulnerable, because I've worked too hard in cage my wounded heart to let it obtain more bruises now.

"Hey." I know that voice too well.

I crane my neck to my left side. "What, Ham?"

Jae's eyes are watching me apprehensively. "You're still mad, huh."

"Anger, bitterness, resentment.." I tick off my fingers. "..they're all wasted emotions, Ham. But yes, I'm still upset about the stunt you pulled. You know I hate being blindsided."


"Don't apologize again because I'll know if it's sincere or not," I say to him with a sigh. "You only say sorry because you're guilty. You feel compelled to show remorse, and I don't appreciate that, Ham. I want you to say sorry only when you mean it. Are you sorry because you got caught or because you know what you did was wrong? I want you to think it over, Ham."

Before he can reply, I stand up from the long sofa, then approach Flair, offering my assistance in setting up the Karaoke Mode into the flat screen.

As I help Flair with the confusing wires and buttons and boring manual, she keeps her eyes on the remote in her hand when she says, "Phrases that create sexual tension. Go."

"Make me." "Oh really?" "Is that so?" "You don't say?" "Prove it." "What's in it for me?" "Wanna bet?" "Scared, Potter?" "Can you feel it, Mr. Krabs?"

The whole room explodes in bubbles of laughter.

I hesitate for a minute before saying in a tactful voice, "What not to say to someone experiencing a mental problem. Go..?" Several seconds pass and I cringe inwardly, wondering if I had crossed the line, if I had stepped onto a boundary I shouldn't have meddled with.

Should I turn around? Okay, I can handle this. I'm going to-

"It's all in your mind." I jump in shock at Jae's answer, and I'm even more surprised when everyone else follows suit.

"You have nothing to worry about." "Stop complaining all the time." "I always knew you had a problem." "There is nothing wrong with you." "Stop looking for attention." "You don't look anxious or depressed."

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