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Sage Heart

Later that same Monday, when evening falls like a black curtain, I finish my night routine a bit earlier than usual so I can swing by the nearby grocery store to restock on some stuff that I need.

It's fairly late when I reach the place. The weather outside is almost as cold as it is on the inside. Thankfully I'm all bundled up in a thick cotton sweater. I notice I'm one of the only three customers left in the store. Quite predictable, since it's half past eight.

But something's wrong.

My eyes sweep over the frozen foods aisle. Not too far from where I am, I see a girl whose white-blonde hair streams down to her waist. She's wearing a thick jacket over a shirt and jeans. When I peer at her chest, I see the girl's heart is glowing deep purple (strongly anxious/nervous).

I look away, feigning interest in the cabbage heads in front of me. But when I steal a discreet glance beyond the girl's shoulder, I understand why she's behaving in that manner. About eight feet away from her is a surly looking character. No, he doesn't resemble a bum or hobo. The man is tall and muscular, dressed in practical clothes,like any other person you'd see on the bus or the mall. But his eyes.. they are full of impure intentions. I don't even need to glimpse his heart glowing a vivid black to know what's running through his mind right now.

Even from this distance, I can see the girl visibly shaking in fear of what might occur had I not walk calmly in her direction, accompany her to the cashier nearest to the exit, and stay with her until we reach a crowded part of the street.

The girl stares at me as we wait for the light to turn red. "Y-you look familiar.."

I smile dryly even though my mask is covering my mouth. "Is your place within walking distance from here?" I ask her over the loud roar of beeps and honks.

She nods vigorously. "I-I want to say thank you for what you did back there. I felt really scared, I wasn't sure what to do, especially if you hadn't approached me."

"You're welcome," I tell her modestly. "I'll go ahead, okay?"

I can still feel her heavy gaze on my back as I retreat to the route of my neighborhood.

Jae Ham

Heaving sobs. Ragged breathing. Frequent gasps. The walls in this house are thin,which is why I can hear Bianca's crying in the middle of the night.

I raise my fist to her door. I knock three times. "Bianca? Are you crying?" What a stupid question. I should reevaluate my brain whenever I probe my siblings for answers.

"No," she sniffs. "I'm cutting onions." I can practically hear her adding 'yes, I'm crying, you fool! Are you deaf or what?'

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, feeling apprehensive while rubbing my nape.

"Go away, Jae," she sighs, weariness evident in her voice. "Leave me alone."

"Bianca--" I'm about to risk another attempt when the door next to Bianca's door swings open abruptly. Cody's wide eyes mirror my own. He's in his comfy pajamas, and his black hair is all messy from moving around too much in his bed.

"Cody," I say as my 16-year-old brother saunters towards the bathroom, probably to pee. "Cody, come on. Tell me what's going on. Tell me what's wrong," I cajole even as he slams the door in my face. I am one stubborn man. I lift my fist up to the door and rap three times. "Cody, I know something's bothering the three of you! Open this damn door right now!"

"Keep it down! Can't a guy use the toilet in peace?!?"

I turn on the heel of my bare foot, ambling in the direction of Gem's door. "Gem, open up! Is there anything happening in your school I should know about?!?"

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