Find Strength

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Sage Heart

It's been a while since I had a dream that was also a memory.

I'm at the beach, wearing a thin white shirt and denim shorts and I'm shielding my eyes with one hand as I squint into the bright sun. The light breeze is blowing my ponytail in different directions and my skin is burning from the intense heat.

"Sage." A shirtless guy of eighteen with long black hair and sea-green eyes lays his palm on my bare arm, prompting me to look at him, which I do.

I turn to smile at him sadly. "Aidan."

He glances from left to right, his moves cautious, before he focuses on me again. "It's okay. We can call each other by our real names."

A short beat of silence falls before he asks, "How are you.." His gaze holds mine. "Sara?"

I never thought I would hear him-or anyone-call me by that name, especially in a kind tone. How long has it been? Four? Five years? It feels like an eternity has crawled by ever since that tragic night, when I had lost the decently normal life I used to live.

A life where my parents were alive and my brother still loved me and I couldn't see glowing hearts.

Aidan's heart, by the way, is glowing a mix of sad blue and happy pink. No, not Aidan. That isn't his real name. That's not even his real hair color. We're both living a lie because of my curse.

"Avery," I whisper so softly I'm not sure he heard me, but the twinkle in his sea-green eyes tells me he did. I'm marshaling my thoughts while staring at the ocean. "I'm fine."

"Yes, you seem fine," he responds. I don't turn my head but I can sense he's also watching the waves roll over one another. "You've made friends. That's good."

I shut my eyes for a long time before fluttering them open to survey him. "Did you come here to check up on me?" I ask Avery.

His lips curve up in a knowing smile. "I wanted to see you, Sara."

"Why?" I look down at my feet.

"What do you mean, why? You're my friend."

"I'm a freak."

"No, you're not."

"I killed my parents."

"No." He fixes me with a stern look. "You didn't."

"I also killed yours."

"Sara." Avery grabs me by the shoulders, his grip firm but gentle. "None of that was your fault. There's nothing wrong with risking your life to help someone."

"Of course it was my fault," I retort hotly, my chin wobbling. "If I hadn't been so naive and stupid, my family wouldn't be dead."

"You still have Alec."

"No, I don't," I say quietly, a lump forming in my throat. "He hates me. I'm dead to him."

"Shh. That's not true." Avery cups my cheeks, framing my face in his warm hands, his thumbs wiping away the tears that have spilled along my cheeks. "Sara, it wasn't your fault." He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his protective embrace.

My chin is on his left bare shoulder, my own shoulders trembling violently as I cry uncontrollably while Avery strokes my back. "Did you really love me out of pity?" I ask between sobs.

His love for me had stemmed from the fact that he pitied me. He told me this many years ago, but I still want to make sure his feelings hadn't changed.

"Yes," he says, continuing to hug me tightly as I cry. "I'm sorry."

"I'm going to die alone," I wail, my chest constricting.

"We both know that's not true." Avery pulls back to scan my tear-stained face. "You're kind, smart, and beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to--"

"Not you," I interrupt sharply, using the back of my hand to wipe some tears off my right cheek. I stare at him, my expression somber. "Not you," I reiterate, more sullenly.

Avery weaves a hand through his black hair. "We both know you've moved on."

When I remain silent, he holds my chin between his fingers, making me look up at him. "Sara, you've spent years trying to find the person you're supposed to avoid." His eyes are morose. "Ironic, isn't it?"

Swatting his hand away, I speak through gritted teeth. "What are you saying?"

"It's him, isn't it?" Avery points to a tall figure in the distance. "You found him."

My fingers are twitching as they flutter to my throat. "What should I do, Avery?" My voice is weak and pathetic.

"What you always do," he says with a faint smile. "Take a risk. A leap of faith."

"It's too dangerous for either of us," I state meaningfully.

Avery cups my nape, pulls me close, and kisses my forehead. "There will always be struggle, Sara. You just have to choose who to struggle with."

Then I wake up with a jolt, my heart pounding like crazy.

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