Does It Make Sense?

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Sage Heart

All around me, I see hearts glowing pink--except one. I'm used to the colorful lights, but under these circumstances, I feel discomfited.

Okay, calm down, Sage. I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for Althea's jealousy. I just have to feign ignorance, try to socialize with everyone.. I should probably eat something so--Hey! This is delicious!

"..yeah, right, Golden Boy," Max is saying to his buddy, Kyle.

"Go back to your seat, Max," Kyle says sardonically.

Chord grins at their antics. "Hey, we'll have a new Golden Boy--"

"Chord." Sparkle's tone is stiff and reprimanding.

"If.. if it's a boy, of course," says Chord nervously as he meets Sparkle's scowl.

"Lord, please grant a baby girl," she says, pressing her palms in prayer.

Kyle objects, "Hey, boys aren't that bad."

"But heck," Chord interjects, "whether it's a boy or girl or potato, I'll love my baby so much more than life itself."

All of a sudden, I feel weak, my throat constricting.

Jae Ham

Sparkle pours herself a glass of red wine (which she won't drink) and stands up to make a toast.

"Happy birthday to me," she declares with a wide smile as she scans the table of guests. "Thank you all for coming. I missed you guys, believe it or not," she says, glancing at her old friends. She then glances at Sage, who is startled by the sudden attention. "I'm so pleased to have met you, Sage. And it's good to finally see a lady next to Jae. He's a keeper."

I look at Sparkle in alarm. "I told you, we're not like that.." I murmur, but no one is listening.

"..and most of all, thank you, Chord, my husband, my best friend, my everything. I love you so much. Thank you all for this amazing night. Cheers."

"Cheers!" echoes everyone.

"Okay, speech is over!" Chord exclaims. "Give me that, it's not good for the baby."

"Ugh.. fine."

Sage Heart

The evening is winding down, and some of the guests are finishing the last of their dessert (blueberry cheesecake) and appear quite sleepy.

Sparkle bids goodbye to Althea, the latter needs to discuss some business matters with her parents at home. Sparkle catches me looking her way and her face breaks into a tired smile as she approaches me.

"You know, Sage.." she starts while poking at a small slice of cheesecake.

"Hmm?" I gaze at her, refraining from ogling her bulging stomach.

"It's an amazing thing, pregnancy."

There's a thick lump forming in my throat. "It must be.."

"Do you know what it feels like?" she goes on contentedly. "To be aware that there are now two heartbeats inside of you when it used ot be yours only?" She smiles blissfully. "It's a grand thing."

Jae Ham

In the car, Sage has lapsed into a tense kind of silence.

My eyes are steady on her. "It's a quiet night, isn't it?"

"It is." She looks at me briefly. "Thank you for bringing me."

"You're welcome. But I should be the one thanking you."

"Well, we all need to be surrounded by people every once in a while."

I focus on the road in front of me. "If I may say so, you can tell me anything, as a friend, I guess."

Her brown eyes darken immediately. She averts her gaze from mine. "And if I may ask, what made you say that?" Her voice is distant, unwavering.

"Maybe I just wanted to ask, if you're okay."

"Thank you, I am." Sage cranes her neck to stare out the window.

Sage's house is the last stop for tonight. I've dropped everyone else at their apartments. Hurriedly, I get out of my car and open the passenger door for Sage, who smiles gratefully before closing the car door behind her.

"Good night, I guess," she says to me with a smile I can't understand.

"Good night, Sage." Despite my bewilderment, I return her smile.

I know I should be driving away in my car, but something is compelling me to stay behind for a few minutes. I take slow steps towards the Mustang, and when I hear the clicks of Sage's door being locked, I turn on my heel and press my back against the wall next to her door.

The first sound I hear is a sniffle. It soon evolves into a series of ragged breathing, then my ears pick up the shaky words in between gasps and uncontrollable sobbing.

My chest tightens, and when I sneak a glimpse through her window, I spot Sage on her bed, hugging her knees as her shoulders tremble violently while she let the tears flow freely.

"Alex.." she sniffs, her voice cracking. "I'm sorry, Alex, I'm so sorry.."

Who is Alex? And there were two other names she mentioned in her sleep from before: Alec and Avery. I now know that Avery was her first love, but just when I got one answer, I get two more questions: Who are Alec and Alex? Why is Sage crying over the latter?

What life did you lead before coming to Los Angeles, Sage Heart?

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