Chapter 6 [ Part 1 ]

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[ A/N: Hi!!! Expect more updates
for the upcoming days. ]

==== Chapter 6 [ Part 1 ] ====

Click. Click. Click.

Every time he clicks the trigger, someone pleads for any spare mercy and yells for their incoming death. The guy does not let their words fall to his ears though. Rage has blinded him enough, and all he can see is red for craving blood to spill.

"Please. Please do not kill m—"

He isn't given an opportunity to finish his sentence as an unmerciful click is heard inside the blood room, and that certain person falls down to the ground, nonmoving. An instant death I supposed.

Dante almost chuckles from the gore sight like it's some kind of a joke. Poor pathetic people. Pleading for mercy wouldn't grant them their shitty life or anything. In fact, that only speeds the process of their death. Dante firmly presses his lips to avoid the laughter as he happily, more like sadistically, observes the life-taking scenario that is currently happening before him.

If anything, his Boss hates anyone who begs.

Alessio shoots once again, almost killing 80% of these scums in their red room. These scums— they are just a bunch of people who have done them wrong. Alessio's currently killing the family of a traitor. Their death are supposed to be scheduled the day after, but the black –haired man is so thirsty for blood today. He has to calm himself down.

Peach winces at every shots she heard behind the door. Even when she's been living with them for years now, Peach is not yet so accustomed by that sound of death. She's just hoping that Alessio would be fine after this. Certainly they will have to visit again to clean that red room and bring more people.

Peach sighs, unamused.

The traitor is now being pointed at by the gun... Alessio doesn't shoot yet nor does he speak as if he is expecting some words from that scum. He does not utter anything. Somehow, he has already accepted his fate. With his red face staring at his family, he sighs.

Yet unknown to them, Alessio hasn't killed everyone.


Hidden behind a table filled with things for torture is the man's daughter. She has been able to disentangle herself from the ropes an hour earlier. A bit struggle, but she is able to eventually.... Although the man's daughter is not able to free her family because they arrived.

Dante's oceanic eyes widen when the girl came out from nowhere and run to his father with crying eyes, hugging him who has begun to reprimand her for her rather hasty foolish decision.

"You shouldn't have come out!" He yells at her.

The girl sniffs, embracing him harder. "Dad, I can't. I cannot watch you die."

While they do have a loving moment, Alessio prepares to shoot the girl. His silver eyes are emotionless. He doesn't care about them nor their bond. As he is about to click his gun, the girl turns around and faces him.. Her face is wet with tears as she gazes at him, asking for him to stop this cruel actions.

He stops.

Her (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair. In a flash, Alessio thought that he is seeing you. His grip on the gun tightens, but he doesn't shoot her. Dante sees the hesitance, and his ocean eyes narrow at the strangeness of the scene. Before Dante can even say anything, Alessio turns around and leave the door with a bang.


Dante is left stunned.

The traitor and the daughter are also left astounded. She turns around to his father, crying, as he hugs her back in return, relieved that the heartless mafia left them alone... Although they did not notice the man whose blood have started to boil while he observed them. Upon perceiving the girl, Dante can see already the reason why.

That girl and (Y/N).

They.. look similar to each other.

Before one can even process what's going on, Dante has pulled out a gun and shoot the both of them. Satisfied at what he has done, he pulls out a smirk. He exhales out a sadistic laughter before swiftly putting back his revolver from its proper place. Well, no matter, if Boss cannot put them in place. I'll gladly do it for him.

Whistling a tune, he leaves the blood room.

Who Owns Her [ Yandere! Ashes X Fork ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang