Chapter 14 [ Part 2 ]

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===== Chapter 14   [ Part 2 ] =====

Friday; 10:24 A.M.

Lock-screening your phone as you let go an exasperated sigh, you look up to see Peach and Kielle looking at you with concern. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Her voice is kind. She sips her milk tea after, but she still has her focus on you. You don't want them to worry because it's nothing really important, but you can't help but look so anxious. You sigh and shake your head.

"Dad," you tell them.

You unwrap the burger from its wrappers, taking in the delicious sight of the food for awhile. Mentioning your father, you see Peach pout. "Dad didn't allow you yet?" The way she called your dad like it is her own dad too makes you raise your eyebrow, but you decide to shrug those words off.

"No, not really. Dad doesn't seem happy with the idea of me having a sleepover with you guys tonight. He said he will allow me to hang out with you guys tomorrow." You sigh. "But no sleepovers.. Until now, I'm still persuading him about it."


Shooting a look at Kielle, she points at him with a bitter expression. "Is it because of Cousin?" Kielle's surprised. Accusing him as the reason, he doesn't remember doing anything. You almost chuckle at the look of his face. But you settle with a soft smile.

"Partly." You sigh after. "But also because of the missing students incident.. You know how dads can be protective, right?" Peach opens her mouth but stops. She nods. "Yea. They can so over protective," She thoughtfully mumbles. Kielle looks at his cousin; he does know her dad since he has stayed with them after his parents died. He knows his uncle, and he is a good father to Peach.

But odd.

That's the only thing he can remember.

"Well..."  Peach smiles. "There's really nothing to worry, (Y/N). Those teens are not missing at all. They just went into some vacation, and the parents did not know," Peach says,  remembering the information that she has recently heard from someone. "Cops already closed the case; it's been solved already." The girl laughs as she informs her friend.

Your eyes widen.

"What?? I did not know that," you uncertainly murmur, squinting your (E/C) eyes at the thought of those teens rebelliously planning a very long vacation. Truly, those students are disrespectful!!! In the middle of the school year? Without the school's and their parents' awareness. Why would they do that? They are certainly weird. You remember those seniors from your first day of class —friends of Ashes.

Now thinking about him. Ashes!! He must have joined them since you didn't see the guy for the last few days. You've actually assumed that Alessio and Dante...  did something, but they promised you no violence.  Surely, your friends would not break the promise they made to you.

Also, he seems fine..

Ashes has been sending you messages, but you've been ghosting him since you're definitely not okay with him. With what he did. Blocking Ashes is unnecessary since you'll probably anger him if he does that, and he seems unstable.

Peach shrugs. "Me either... Just learned about it awhile ago." Kielle seems clueless by the information too. His face shows confusion as he says that he also learned the information just now.

"But won't they get expelled?"

Kielle asks you guys afterwards... Honestly, you do not know the answer. Since the school is somehow lenient.. Your friends have brought guns to school and shot even some people, but they're still here.

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