Chapter 16 [ Part 3 ]

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===== Chapter16 [ Part 3 ] =====

Staring at the mirror after (Y/N) just finished washing her face, the woman afterwards smiles at her pretty reflection while praising herself of her own good looks. Yep, you're pretty, (Y/N).

She isn't really a narcissist.

Instead, the teenager intentionally made that an every day habit to boost her own confidence. Right after that, (Y/N) runs to her bed. She then excitedly takes the phone beside her, (Y/N) dreamily smiles and blushes. Oh, such a high–quality phone! Who would want to gift her this?! Swiping the screen open, she begins to explore the phone's feature. While she checks the photo gallery, she's surprised to see such a handsome face. The photo is in a selfie style as he smirks right at the camera.


Also he looks familiar; hmm...

Gently stroking the phone screen, the girl cannot help but giggle to her own self. So this is him— the one who gave her this phone. Her own secret admirer. Well, if it's him... then she would not mind giving him a chance to steal her heart. So deep in imagining about her and him, she does not realize "her phone" started to ring.

She jumps, surprised.

Looking down at the caller's id, she is surprised to see the name Dante. Again, it is familiar. She blushes and has no idea whether she'll accept the call or not. After hesitating for awhile, she soon answers it.

Shyly placing the iphone to her ear, the teenage girl hears his goddamn deep voice. Just by hearing it, she can't help but feel a flutter in her heart. "—So you finally decided to answer. Geez, you're such a slowpoke, (Y/N)." The girl's heart flutters even more, hearing her name from the man.

She opens her mouth but stops.

Somehow (Y/N) suddenly lost her voice; but she honestly wants to reply. Ask why that young man gave her this gift. Does he really like her like Luis proclaimed?

"Anyways.." Dante rubs the back of his neck.

"Since you took the phone, then that only means you are not mad at me anymore. So tell me. You like the phone? What do you think? Did you see the photo?! I know I'm hot," the guy rambles on the other line.

Even though he doesn't normally act like this friendly; but somehow—ever since Dante realized that he actually sees you as a friend,  he just can't help but have the idea to act like this (like you guys are close). Well since you two see each other as friends, then shouldn't they act like friends?

(But actually, the idea is funny since Dante and you have been acting like you guys are best buddies right after the "getting the orange juice together " incident.)

Also, he doesn't want you to be mad at him anymore.

He actually feels guilty.

Since no one's responding to his words, he frowns. Dante starts to get a little bit annoyed... But then he realizes that you might still be holding a grudge on him. "Oh come on. You're still mad about that. I already apologized to Kielle. And if you're still mad about the phone."

Dante sighs.

"I'm not actually gonna say this to you so early, but your phone.. I actually didn't throw it away. I brought it to the repair shop, but it will take about two months to get your phone fixed."

Dante stares outside the window. Hesitance shows in his tone of voice. "and so I decided to buy you a new phone. So please don't be mad at me anymore." Damn it; Dante feels his face go warm.. He feels embarrassed for asking you forgiveness. Trying to conceal up the shame he feels, Dante tries to scoff.

"In fact, you should thank me."

"And you did say we're friends.." Dante smiles, but that tiny smile disappears when he hears her voice. "I—I am not your friend (Y/N)," she softly whispers to the young man.

"I mean I'm (Y/N) Ia and not (Y/N) (L/N)."

Shit, shit. She's actually feeling shameful right now for actually believing that damn mischievous class clown.

Of course Luis pranked her. Of course.

"What the fuck!"

Dante's blue eyes widened.

He angrily cursed and almost threw his phone outside the window. This bitch!! Then who the fuck is she?!! He told that damn student to give that damn phone to (Y/N). He's seriously gonna murder him.

And now because of that, he has been discovered in that embarrassing state. Dante covers his mouth with a hand, and the redness on his face worsens.


The girl sighs. "I— I'm sorry."

"You'd better be, Bitch!"

Dante snaps, immediately disconnecting the phone call.. Why bother even continuing to talk to the girl?! He does not know her, and she's not (Y/N)! Glaring at the phone, Dante feels anger swirling within him. (Y/N) Ia sighs— heart's still beating so fast while she carefully processes those things that just happened in her mind. She did not expect that. To assume that a handsome guy would even call her name, but it is all because they're calling out for (Y/N) (L/N).

She pouts, feeling sad.

She jumps when she hears her phone vibrates.

Oh no. Not again.

She looks at the phone screen. A message pops out, and it comes from him— from Dante.. (Y/N) hesitantly opens it. Her heart almost drops, reading the message. Go see him? Tomorrow? 5:30 A.M. at class? Her hands tremble. (Y/N) let go of the expensive phone.. and lets it tumble down to her bed. Fortunately, the phone safely lands; but she can't say that for herself.

(Y/N) Ia anxiously sighs.

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