Nightwing's Redemption Ch. 2

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Nightwing and Powell stood back as Phobia was locked inside the cell with Nigma who was painting the walls with green paint and muttering to himself. Phobia had already given Batman's sidekick one of the locations. She had hoped to use this leverage over the Bat and his sidekicks for more... useful perks. But Phobia had never seen Nigma this worked up before. He was crazy, yes, but this was just extreme. As she looked around the cell, she found there to be handprints, footprints, some of his catchphrases and most concerning was the words 'Kill me' the paint still wet and dripping down the walls. Nigma still hadn't noticed her. He was standing on his bunk, hands covered in paint as he aimless spread the paint over the walls.

"Hurry it up, Doute." Pornstache snapped, banging his baton on the bars and causing her to jump.


She hated Pornstache, but he did allow her some quality time with Scarecrow whenever he decided she was too much of an irritation, or he wanted a nap. Either way, he was convenient and that was enough for Phobia to keep him alive. Turning back to look at Pornstache (who was preoccupied with his phone) and Nightwing, Phobia narrowed her eyes,

"Who gave him paint?" She already knew the answer, as did Nightwing, who tilted his head towards the guard beside him. Looking back to Nigma, she sighed, "Of course... Hey Edie, I'm back... I like your... art" She trailed off. It was enough to get Edie's attention as he stopped what he was doing and looked over his shoulder at her as if she had just broken in and was robbing him.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped at her, jumping down to address her. Before Phobia could speak, Edie changed, almost as if he had forgotten what he'd just asked her. "I've solved it." He murmured, stopping in front of her. There was a crazed look in his eye, that was unusual, even for the Edie.

"What's wrong with him?" Phobia heard Nightwing snap at Pornstache, who knowing Pornstache, probably didn't even look up from his phone.

"Probably a side effect from the new meds. He refused to take it so I slipped it into his food." He said nonchalantly just as Edward Nigma grabbed a fistful of Phobia's hair, drawing a gasp from her before she could rip Pornstache's head off. From the corner of her eye she saw Nightwing step towards the cell. He couldn't exactly get answers out of her is she was stuck in a coma in Medical. Raising her hand to him, she was glad to see him stop and allowed Edie to drag her towards his bunk where he had been aimlessly spreading out the green paint.

"Look," He snapped at her, still holding a fistful of her hair as he forced her to look at the wall, "I'm this close to finding out who Batman really is. But these fools aren't listening to me!" He shouted, releasing Phobia so violently that she fell back against his bunk. As Phobia held the back of her head, she looked at her... occasional friend and sighed. This was one of the many problems that came with Arkham Asylum. This wasn't the first time that she had been forced to clean up one of Pornstache's medicine mishaps. He didn't care what he was feeding patients so long as it shut them up. Only this time, it backfired... again.

That bastard better give me alone time with Scarecrow for cleaning up his mess.

"Alright, Edward, look at me." She said, holding her palms up as Edie paced around the small cell, his hands gripping his at his hair. He wasn't listening, which caused Phobia to have to grab him by his shoulders and stop him in his tracks. "You wanna be sent to Extreme Isolation? Huh? C'mon, it's me. I'm the only person in the world... probably... who listens to all the shit you talk. So, tell me, who's under the bat mask? Any chance you know who Nightwing is?" She asked, looking to the masked hero who was very slowly losing his patience with her. She has recently become aware that the hero was gathering information about her. But, planting the bombs and tipping him off rather than Batsy, she'd be able to find out why that was... then she was gonna break herself, Scarecrow, Harley and maybe Edie out... if he was lucky.

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