"Oh right, I forgot about that. So why'd they leave you here again?"

I sighed, debating on pretending to be asleep and just telling her. I mean I did ask her to come up here with me, the least I could do was answer her questions.

"Because I asked them to. It's a long story, but I sorta freaked out. I got way too drunk last night and blacked out. They found me blacked out, covered in vomit."


"I know. They were super mad and told me that I needed to take a break, so I told them to leave me here." I laughed lightly to try and make it seem like it wasn't that big of a deal.

She was quiet for a few.

"Okay, so what you're saying is that I shouldn't bring you anymore alcohol."

"No."  I said quickly, she can't think that.

"Yes. Did you drink all of the second bottle?"

I didn't want to answer her. I didn't drink it all, only halfway.



"Either way, no more alcohol, especially if you're waking up in puddles of vomit."

"You don't get to tell me what to do." I growled.

"Maybe not, but I can refuse to sell alcohol to you, which, by the way is nearly thirty dollars a bottle."

"I need it though." I whined like a child.

"You do not need alcohol."


Luke and I argued for a good ten minutes about the fact that he didn't need alcohol. It seemed to wear him out though because he ended up falling asleep pretty quickly.

It bothered me what he told me. Why did he feel the need to get so drunk? I stared at him in the dark. I could just make out the outline of his silhouette.

I need to leave. I thought as my eyes drifted shut. I snapped them back open again, but feeling the weight of exhaustion pull them shut again. I can't drive like this.

I didn't want to stay here and sleep, first it's weird and second I want to be in my bed. It's not like it matters that it's weird though, Luke and I's encounters so far have been nothing but weird.

So I rolled over and let it happen, sleep consuming me, almost as quickly as it consumed Luke.

< >

Light hitting my face woke me up.

My eyes slowly opened as I took in my surroundings, suddenly feeling a panic as I couldn't recognize where I was. I was curled up in the middle of a bed, wrapped up in tons of blankets.

I heard some rustling on the other side of the room, and that's when I remembered, I'm at the hotel, I'm in Luke's room.

I could hear Luke quietly singing under his breath. I could tell by the sound of his movements that he was trying to be as quiet as possible.

Room Service |:| Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now