Chapter 28

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An hour later, Yura heard the sound of the door swinging open. Quickly getting on her feet, she plants her ears flat on her bedroom door, trying to listen to Taehyung. She heard the sound of him placing his bags on the chair, and then the sound of the pizza box being placed onto the dining table. Sensing that he might be coming to knock on her door, she quickly inched backward feeling herself began to panic.

Seconds later, she heard him knocking on her door.

"Yura? Are you awake?"

That voice....

How has she missed that soothing low voice of his? That gentle yet husky deep voice that never fails to send jitters of electricity rushing through her blood, making her breathless. She misses that voice.

"Yura?", he knocks again. "Would you like to have dinner? With me?", his gentle voice heard from the other side of the door.

Yura stood there, staring at the door as she fights her emotions. Somewhere along the line, she wants to open the door and pour her feelings, letting him know the pain of hiding everything all this while. But deep inside, as hurtful as it can be, she can't.

"I'll be out in a while", she raised her voice just slightly, loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

"I'll be waiting", smiling to himself, he glances at the little box he has in his hand.

Doubting his decision for purchasing that little gift, Taehyung seems to be out of his mind. Or perhaps not. He dropped by a jewelry store while getting the pizza, and his eyes caught this one piece of sparkly little jewelry that stood out among the others. And it comes with a pair.

"You sure bought a lot"

Startled as he heard Yura's voice, he quickly hides the box , putting it into his pocket before he turns to look at her. His eyes caught the puffiness under her eyes and he suddenly feels worried.

"You look tired. Are you not eating well?", pulling a chair, he signals Yura to have a seat.

He watches attentive as she drags herself, looking entirely drained with that massive eye bags under her eyes. He wanted to asked about it but then he decided to not to.

"I slept the whole day. That explains my eyes"

What a big fat lie you dumbass. You were balling your eyes out since evening.

Taehyung swiftly took the seat in front of her, his eyes scanning the faint look in her eyes. There is something about her eyes that says she has something in her mind. The way she averts his eyes, she is hiding something.

"Congratulations on finishing your last paper". Taehyung rests both arms on the table as he smiles.

"Th-thank you? This feels like a celebration somehow?", sounding hesitant as she looks at the table filled with pizza boxes, bottles of cokes and various snacks. "How are we going to finish all of these?"

"I eat a lot—but that's not the point. How are you feeling? You're no longer a school student", he teases as he grabbed a slice of pizza, placing it on a paper plate before putting it in front of Yura. "Feel old yet?"

"Thank you for reminding me that I am old. Exactly what I need right now", rolling her eyes, she took a bite of the pizza, chewing on it slowly despite her appetite slowly fading away each second.

For You ( Kim Taehyung) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now