Chapter 27

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"You haven't talked to him ever since that night?", packing her stuff into her backpack, Aeri looks over her shoulder spotting Yura spacing out at the table. "Yura?"

"W-What?", dazing out of her thoughts, she shakes her head as she resumes packing her books into her bag. "What did you say?"

"Goddddd!!?? today is the last paper. Get a grip. Space out all you want but after this paper", she rolled her eyes as she zipped her bag tight, turning to the mirror to check on her uniform one last time.

Yura stares into nothing as her hands does all the work. She hasn't seen Taehyung for about a week ever since she decided to stay over Aeri's place. Not that she had to stay at her place to do all the revision, but she just wanted to distant herself from Taehyung. With her overflooding feelings towards him, being close to him during her final examination will bring nothing but disaster.

"Did you tell him about the letter yet?", Aeri's question snapped her out of her thoughts, making her gulp slow but hard.

Shaking her head slowly, she got to her feet as she ties her hair into a low ponytail while looking at the full-sized mirror. She looks dead and worn out. But today is that last day, she is sure she will be better after this. She hopes so.


"What are you doing here?", looking up at the person standing right in front of him, Taehyung tried his best to look composed despite not wanting to deal with this problem again.

"To see you of course. You have been rejecting my calls, not replying to my texts. You want me to go crazy?", Hyeran scoffs as she crossed her arm, her eyes piercing right through Taehyung's.

"Why do you have to come to my workplace. This is an office, Hyeran. Don't mix personal stuff with—"

"Why are you avoiding me? You don't want us to be together? I am here, trying to fix my mistakes. Why aren't you giving me a chance? What did I do wrong?" Hyeran feels her blood boiling, raging with madness as she thinks about her rejected calls all these weeks. She has been trying her very best to fix her relationship with Taehyung, but he seems to not care.

"Hyeran, I told you. There is nothing between us anymore. Please don't make it harder",

"You have another woman, don't you? Does she know about me? Is she better than me? Who is she? Tell me!", slamming her hands onto the glass table, Hyeran's voice echoed through the empty office.

"Hyeran, don't do this. I made it clear. You ended us long time ago. Don't come here, acting as if everything you did was nothing. Were you there when I was struggling? You left without considering my feelings. I am sorry but I don't think I am able to do this"

"So, there is another woman" she scoffs as she straightens her back, eyes blazing furiously as she looks at Taehyung.

"Hyeran, don't—"

"I'll find her. And you know me, no one takes what is mine"

And with that, she stomped out of the office, slamming the door behind her leaving Taehyung speechless. Taehyung leans onto his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose after removing his glasses throwing it onto his table. The last thing he needed was Hyeran barging in, adding up to his piled mess.

He explained to her, clearly and patiently about their relationship. But not about his marriage. He figured out that she doesn't need to know, and god knows the things she might do if she knows about it. Yura must not be dragged into this ridiculous drama.

But he knows Hyeran too well. She will do whatever it takes to claim what is hers. Anything.


Staring at the letter in her hand, Yura closed her eyes shut as she thinks about it over and over. That letter is her future—her dreams. She wouldn't trade it for anything. Her hard work pays off and all that is left it to let her mother knows, and of course, Taehyung too. But her mind began to play tricks on her, making her feels indecisive about her decision. If she accepts the offer, she will need to leave in a month. Not that she is not prepared for it, she received this letter about a month ago but she keeps quiet.

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