She's not home

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Hyung sik enters and goes in the living room.
He greets my mom and talks to my dad while I have my breakfast.
Ji Hyun stayed over last night so she joins me. We finish our breakfast and bring down my bags. I say bye to my parents and Hyung Sik helps me put my bags into the car (out of duty). I am about to leave as Ji Hyun gets a call.
'I'm coming......oh......wait for me then.'
I go over to her and ask, 'who was it?'
She replies, 'No one. Anyway, I will get going now. Enjoy and come to school tomorrow. Don't get too intense!!!'
'Yah!!!!' I yell as she runs away.
We get into the car and reach our new house. It looks awesome!!! Hyung Sik and I don't talk the whole day except while choosing our rooms.

At night......
I was in my room reading a book when my phone rang....
'Hello?' I asked
'Ji Soo-ah it's me.' I recognised the voice almost immediately. It was Ji hyun's mom but I wonder why she called me at 10:00 p.m in the night.
'Is Ji hyun with you?' She asked.
'Anio (no) she's not with me. Why?'
'Ji Hyun hasn't come home. I thought she was with you but now.....' her voice broke.
'What???' I yelled. I continued, 'Aunty don't worry I'll find her.'
I called Ji hyun but she wouldn't pick up. I was thinking about going to the police but it hadn't been 24 hours yet. While I was still thinking, my phone rang again so I picked up.
'Jung Ji Soo!'
God it's Taehyung.
'What do you want? Wait! How did you get my number?'
'I can get anything I want and right now the question isn't what I want. It's what you want and I have.'
'What?' I was sitting there clueless till I realised.......Ji Hyun-ah!!!!
'Yah!!! Don't touch her! Are you stupid? What kind of stupidity is this?'
'Well if you want her, come to _ address.'
He hung up. God!!! Is he stupid? How can he be so childish?
I picked up my jacket and ran downstairs. I called a cab and rushed into it.

Hyung Sik POV
I went downstairs to get water when I saw her rushing out with her jacket. Where is she going at this time of the night? Is she stupid? Anyway, what do I care? Let her do whatever she wants. I was about to go to my room but......shit!!!! I ran behind her. I saw her getting into a cab and I got into one soon. This marriage was fake, but why do I still feel responsible for her.......

Ji Soo POV
I reached the address that he had texted me. I went to the door and started ringing the bell impatiently.
'Yah!' I heard someone scream.
'Who is it?' The person shouted and opened the door. It was Taehyung.
As soon as he saw me, he smirked.
'Come inside', he said.
'Where is Ji Hyun?' I asked.
'Oh she must be....... I don't remember actually where she is.'
'What? Yah! Pali (fast) tell me where is she? Else I swear I won't leave you alive.' I said while holding his collar.
'Whoa calm down.' He said taking my hands off him.
'Kim Taehyung! Where is she?' I screamed.
'She would be home', he said looking at his watch.
'What did you say? Stop it! Seriously, this is getting out of hand.'
'I'm serious.'
My phone rang again and it was Ji Hyun's mom.
'Ji Soo-ah she's home.'
'Ne (okay) Aunty', I said and hung up.
'What the hell! Why did you do it?' I asked him.
'I was just playing with you.'
'Gosh are you stupid. Is this all a joke to you? Is this how you are going to get back at me?'
'This was a joke but I promise it will get worse. You'll regret fighting with me.'
That's it!! I lifted my hand to slap him but he was punched by someone before I could hit him.
I turned to see Hyung Sik........

OMG!!!! Can you believe V did that! It's going to get worse..........
But all spicy things have a sweet


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