The marriage

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Ji Soo POV
Hyung Sik dragged me all the way to the rooftop.
'Yah! What are you doing! Let go', I yelled.
He let go of me and said, 'I don't want to get married.'
'Oh really!!! I didn't know. I am dying to get married to you', I said sarcastically.
'Stop it! Stop with the sarcasm! I know that you don't want this as well. Please say no to your parents.'
'Look at you speaking! As if I had a choice.'
'Just try cause we both don't want this. I'll try as well.'
'No need', I said as he was walking away.
'What?' He turned towards me.
'No need to try. Right now we are only thinking about ourselves. Think about the amount of people working in our companies. What about them? If we don't get married, our companies may close down and I don't want so many people getting unemployed.'
'So you're just going to sacrifice the rest of your life and with yours mine as well? I am pretty sure there are other ways.'
'Even if there are other ways, our parents wouldn't have suggested this if they could use them. As for our lives, we'll get divorced as soon as our companies get back on track.'
'What....' He started to say but I cut him by saying, 'I promise!'
He shot me look before walking away.
God! What have I gotten myself into.......

1 week later......
Jungkook POV
I can't do this anymore!!!!! How much can she like him? How can she do everything he says even when I tell her not to. She never listens. During this week, she has gotten extremely close with Hyung (V). She went with him for movies, has lunch with us everyday and hangs out with us as much as possible. Many times her friend Ji Soo tried to stop her but they ended up getting into fights. She is the real cause of all this anyway.....

Ji Soo POV
I take a deep breath before walking down the aisle with my dad. Marriage is a moment that many girls dream of and look how my dream comes true.......
My dad places my hand in Hyung Sik's. The whole crowd was looking at us. I was so overwhelmed by everything that the only things I remember was......
'I do'
'I do'
And the priest announcing, 'you May now kiss the bride' on which Hyung Sik kisses my cheeks (A/N: he could have done it on the lips at least, right!!!)
Everyone congratulated us. There were very less people. Our parents, some important relatives and Ji Hyun. All best friends fight! Come on, she wouldn't miss my 'wedding day'.
After the wedding we went to our houses separately. We were to move in tomorrow. Ji Hyun came over and I made her swear on V that she won't tell anyone about this marriage. Not even V himself!!
The next day I woke up to my mom shaking me.
'Get up! You're going to be late. Did you forget that you are shifting today?'
'Ani (no) I remember.' I said moving to the bathroom.
It's almost like she wants to kick me out!!!! (No, actually the whole last week she slept beside me and stayed with me as much as possible.) I got ready and made my way downstairs when I heard the bell ring.
I opened the door and it was Hyung Sik.......

Hi people!!!!
Wish Hyung Sik and Ji Soo a happy married life. They may need your wishes...
Meanwhile in your hearts you can get married to.......

Meanwhile in your hearts you can get married to

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