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Ji Soo POV
I went to school next day and told Ji Hyun about what happened yesterday.
'What??????!!!!!! You and Hyung Sik.....'
'Shut up! Don't say it out loud.'
'Ok but da helllllll'
'I know right! How am I going to be his partner? He finally started talking to me but now it's all going to stop. Did they have to tell this to us now.'
'E but still be happy that you are going to get married to a cute guy.'
'Seriously! Yah' I yelled as she ran away.
I went to class and sat down. Hyung Sik was already there but we didn't speak to each other at all.

Ji Hyun POV
I was about to go to class when someone bumped into me and I dropped my books.
'Yah! Can't you see and.....'
God it was Taehyung.
'Oh sorry! Here let me help you.' He said picking up my books.
If Ji Soo was here she would have lectured me on how girls don't need guys to pick up stuff for them, blah, blah, blah but honestly, every girl enjoys it 😏.
He handed over the books to me.
'Thank you', I said.
He started to walk away but suddenly turned around and said, 'you are Kim Ji hyun right? Join us at lunch today. I'll be waiting.'
He left. It took me two seconds to absorb what he said and another 10 to actually understand cause when he was speaking I was busy staring at perfection. (Hey! Not my fault! Stop judging me people).
What????? He wants me to be there at lunch!!!!! Yayayayayay!!!!!! I was busy freaking out when someone snapped their fingers in front of me.
'Ne?' (yes?) I asked. It was Jeon Jungkook. What is he doing here? Wait! Is this all a dream? Why are all cute guys talking to me today?
'Don't come to our table for lunch today.' He said.
'Okay....wait why?'
'Because I said so'
He walked off. What a guy! As if he's going to tell me to do it and I won't go.

Jungkook POV
I tried my best. Please don't come.

At lunch......
Ji hyun POV
'Ji Hyun-ah here.' I heard. I saw Taehyung waving at me. Oh, this must be the best day of my life!!!!!
I happily skipped over and sat besides him. God I'm seriously going to start loving him!!!!!

I told her not to come.

Ji Soo POV
I made my way to the cafeteria for lunch. I was trying to find Ji Hyun but I couldn't find her anywhere. Where could she go? Has she not come yet?
Suddenly I noticed Ji hyun sitting on a table with other people. I went over.
She was sitting with her back facing towards me.
'Ji hyun-ah', I said.
She looked behind. So did the people she was sitting with.
'Kim Taehyung.....', I said surprised.
Ji Hyun suddenly got up, excused herself and pulled me to the side.
'God I am freaking out!!!!!! This is the best day of my life!!!!!! Taehyung said that I can call him Oppa and we can sit with him everyday!!!!! Isn't that
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!' She exclaimed.
What an idiot?
'Yah! Kim Ji hyun michasoyeo (are you mad)!'
'Yah! Jung Ji Soo! I will go and sit with him.'
'I won't go!' I yelled.
'I am sorry but I still am going. He's been my crush for so long and now, finally I have a chance to talk to him.'
God is this girl mad? Does she not know he is trying to get back at me.
'Hajima (don't do it)'
'I still will', she said and left.
I went to sit at my regular table when someone whispered, 'This is just the start. Hope you like it.'
I ran behind him and turned him.
'Yah! Kim Taehyung. Do what you want to do to me. Don't get Ji Hyun between this.'
'I am sorry. Guess it already started.'
He said. I held his collar
'Are you a child! Seriously don't do this!'
He held my hand which was holding his collar.
'Well you're grown up enough to pick a fight with me. Just wait and.....'
He was cut by someone who shoved his hand which was holding me.
It was Hyung Sik.
He looked at V and dragged me away before V could say anything.

Why do you think V and Park Hyung Sik are enemies???? Could it be because of a.......
Leave that! Here he comes!!!!!

Leave that! Here he comes!!!!!

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Ooooo mean Oppa. Still cute!!!!

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