Chapter 1: Imprint

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Welcome to Lucid Dreaming.

A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment.

Luna's POV

The sound of the door opening rouses me from my sleep, though it wasn't restful to begin with. It is ironic that with how much about has changed, being an insomniac is my one constant. I open my eyes and try to see what the commotion is, but I get caught blinking multiple times trying to adjust to the sunlight.

When they do, I see Zayn standing tall in the doorway. His chest and legs were bare, wearing only his boxers, two glasses of orange juice in his hands. He smiles at me lazily.

I sit up best I can, my back causing me pain.

"I didn't realise you had left." I rub my eyes as he crawls back into bed, placing an orange juice on my bedside table and the other on his

"I didn't want to wake you." He leans over and plants a kiss on my forehead "How are you feeling?"

I place my hand on swollen belly, looking down at it and knowing the answer I need to give "I'm good."

He raises an eyebrow at me "Luna..."

His eyes say what he won't, 'you spent three months crying in bed at Brandy house after you found out Tiago was dead, you've barely improved from that and depression isn't exactly kind on a pregnant woman' but I could tell he was thinking it.

Four months have passed since the day in the Blood base. At first, the only thing I felt was the pain of Tiago's death. It was all encompassing, and it swallowed me whole. I spent weeks crying, then weeks after that silent. Telling my father, as well as Cara, only made my guilt worse. Seeing their faces display the same pain I originally did when I found out, made me feel so horrible from ripping him away from the safety of our home. Suicide passed my mind many times, thinking of what I had brought him in to, all because I was lonely and wanted a piece of home.

I'm sure my story would be quite different if I didn't have a baby to keep me going.

Now, as well as missing Tiago, the haunting of Demetri's death remains on my conscious. I'm aware he was a horrible person, and I'm aware that he would've killed me if I hadn't killed him. I'm also aware I am not a saint, but I've never been a killer and even the part of me that is rotted isn't that bad.

It is safe to say everyone has been extremely worried about me, especially Zayn and Loki, though they handle it differently. While Zayn is protective in a much more passive kind of way, such as bringing me food, buying me pregnancy books, almost never leaving my side and always bringing me juice in the morning. Loki, on the other hand, is a lot more... firm with his attempts to take care of me.

He was forcing me to do every safe pregnancy thing in the book, sometimes he'd even cut up my food for me and not give me a knife to eat with. Last month, he got me a kitten because he read some article about cat therapy. Zayn told me it comes from a weird paternal instinct in his mind, he was the same with Evelyn. He was sure Loki was using me as as a course corrector for everything he didn't get to do for Evelyn.

Zayn scoots closer to me, placing his hand on top of mine. I smile at our inked skin briefly. After learning of Tiago's death, I had the prayer beads he had tattooed over his forearm and down to the back of his hand mimicked on my arm. Though I don't believe in a God, the same way I don't think Tiago did towards the end of his life, it makes me feel like I have a piece of him living on through me, and realistically I could probably use a prayer if any are going.

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