"James asked you?" 

Her smile widens, "Yep!" She squeals, "He called me this morning!"

"Thats great!" I tell her and we do some weird girly happy dance where we jump up and down. I thought that only happened in the movies but I guess if you're happy enough it just sort of happens.

"I know!" She shouts, "But we need to stay strictly business." She says and stops jumping, face getting serious.

"My dress is out in the car, I brought it because I didn't know how long this would take." She says and starts walking upstairs to my bedroom.

She stands in the doorway and her jaw drops, "Why is everything on the floor?!" 

I slide past her into my room and shrug, "Gravity?"

She gives me a deadpan look and sighs, "Well on the bright side at least now we can see everything you have." She replies and walks into my room, stepping over clothes.

I go to sit on my bed and she sits down in the floor, looking through all my clothes.

"Where are your dresses?" She asks and I stand up and walk to my closet. 

"Some are in here. Some are on the floor." 

She nods and starts going through the clothes on the floor again, I turn around and look in the closet. I find a black one with ruffles at the bottom and hold it up, "What do you think?"

She sighs, "We're going to a wedding, not a funeral." 

I put the dress back and begin looking through the hangers again. I see a green dress but I got it so long ago that I doubt it still fits, plus it's ugly.

"This one." Emery says and I turn around to see her looking at a light pink dress.

I walk over to her and take the dress to try on.

"It better fit." She says and I laugh and slip off my pajamas, putting the dress on.

I pull it up and slide my arms through the straps before walking over to look in my full body mirror.

It falls just above my knees and is close fitting, showing every curve on my body. It's not a revealing dress and doesn't show anything that I typically want covered and it hangs comfortably enough to not be annoying.

"What do you think?" Emery asks with a smile as she walks up beside me.

"It's perfect." 

She grins, "Now we have to do something with your hair!" 

I slide on a pair of multi strap wedges, "We can work on hair together once you get your dress on." 

"Okay!" She smiles and runs downstairs to get her dress.

Checking the time, I see it's already one fifteen. That leaves an hour and fifteen minutes for us to finish getting ready. 

I go into the bathroom and plug up my curling iron when I see Emery walk into my room with a blue dress, black ankle strap heels and a makeup bag.

She slides on the dress and slips the shoes on, turning to show me.

"You look great Em." I tell her and she smiles.

She walks into the bathroom with her makeup bag and sits down in my vanity chair that I dragged in here. 

I start curling my hair while she does her makeup.

"Which one?" She holds up two lip sticks. One is a light shade of pink and the other is a darker shade of pink. If they weren't help up in direct light I wouldn't even notice a difference.

Lie To MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora