Chapter 27: Don't push it, fuck boy

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I parted from Kai, and went into a fighting stance and glared at the two-faced dirty manipulator in front of me. Michael. Of fucking course. He took a step into the light. His face, twisted, like a madman about murder another. His smile was freaky, a smirk that you could never unsee. His eyes wide and chaotic. In his right hand he held a knife, i don't know why he bothered, he had a gun. Clearly shown in his right jean pocket. He held the knife up, pointing the tip right by his smirking mouth. It was unusual not only because he was normally so sweet and smiling genuinely, but because he was so serious and professional towards the rest of Kai's friends and right here in front of us, he looked like a psychopath.

''So, aren't you two just enjoying yourselves?"

''What the fuck do you want Michael?'' i hissed with pure venom, Kai shot daggers at the guy with his piercing glare.

''Oh nothing, just wanted to warn you, Sweetheart'' he swung his knife casually and twirled it around his fingers, eyes locked on its motion until he uttered the word 'Sweetheart' he stopped and looked at me with utter madness. He laughed, laughed like he was watching the world burn before his very knees.

''I will not let you lay a fi-'' Kai was cut of by Michael's snake like eyes shooting like bullets towards him.

''Did i say your name pretty boy? I didn't think so Kai..''

Kai was ticked off by this and charged toward Michael, before i could stop him. Michael restrained Kai away from him like it was no big deal and growled out something hoarse incredibly concerning.

''Mess with me and all hell will crash down''

Then he had walked away with a smug look on his face letting Kai go and walking into jet black car, driving into the distance. I jogged to Kai's side as he rubbed his wrists from where Michael was restraining him from.

''That guy has got serious issues'' i slowly breathed out and sighed.

''He's a psychopath, they don't have a care in the world. Their disturbing minds have got no issues'' he hissed as his eyes never left the jet black car's sight. 

I turned towards Kai with a eyebrow raised ''wow, deep much?''

He pulled a grin and eyes adverted to mine ''wow cute much?''

''Don't push it, fuck boy'' i punched him on the shoulder playfully and made our way back towards the school, hands intertwined.

-Timeskip bitchez-

''Okay, since when were you two a thing?!'' James acted all motherly as Selena screeched as the fangirl she was.

They had spotted us in the hallway of the school and i had seen Alex also in the crime scene. Kai just looked fucking fed up with life as a whole at this point.

''You three are just chilling the hallway ditching class, oh and when were you and Alexa a thing?'' I plastered a smirk across my face, Kai snorted and i gave him a weirded out look.

''My name is Alex you retarded bi-'' he was nudged in the stomach by a red Selena.

''Look what i have to deal with Princess..'' he pointed at the couple who were holding hands and whisper-yelling to eachother.

''You said your gonna change!''

''But she-''

''No! Date me and you have to deal with my friends too!''


''Fine!" Selena squeaked back.

''They're practically a married couple'' Kai grumbled and gripped my hand tighter.

''I feel so single, all my friends are dating-- and my closest thing to a relationship at the moment is with a bag of chips!'' James winged and a sigh followed it.

I wheezed and clutched my stomach laughing.

''Sorry...mate...'' was all i was able to breath out through the laughs.

What a mess. Selena and Alex are squabbling, James is winging over his love life, i;m wheezing and Kai is just dead inside.

''Oh! And Facebook wouldn't even let me put 'myself' as my Relation-fucking-ship status!'' hr moaned.

As soon as those words were said. James didn't even have time to breath before my sister, Clare came trutting down the hallway as if she owned the place. Oh wait!- she does, she's the principle. He gaze was shooting towards us- a bunch of lunatics in the hallway. Her heels clicked on the cold hard (THATS WHAT SHE SAID-) floor. Intimidation was threatening to pose as her as she gave us a dangerous chilling look, her face had that don't- you- dare- piss- me- off expression. She faced us, confident and threateningly.

''Why are you out of class?! And why are you being such idiots in the hallway?! Detention!'' she had  utter responsibility and sophistication in her voice.

To be completely honest, i couldn't care less if i got detention and i knew Kai couldn't care less either. I know James and Selena are absolutely pissing themselves at this moment and i'm not too sure for Alex.

''Well, she could have at least been a little more nicer about it'' James added.

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