Chapter 20: Fuck..i was literally on top of the worlds greatest jackass!

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''So, You and Mr Hot Stuff...'' Selena had a smirk painted on her face as James choked on his beer.

He started to cough aggressively and Selena tapped his back. I  was getting concerned as he coughed and tapped his chest.

''Y-yeah, i'm fine guys..i swear though Lena is right..there's something going on between you and Kai'' he bite his lip and grinned at me cheekily along with Selena.

''You guys are like Romeo and Juliet!'' Selena awed and i rolled my eyes with a slight smile on my face.

James chuckled and took a sip of his beer and i did the same adverting my eyes from any of theirs.

''You do realize they both committed suicide right?'' James looked at Selena with a slight of confusion on his face.

''And Juliet's fourteen and Romeo is like fucking twenty!'' i add and cross my legs pretzel style and gulped down the beer.

''Yeah, yeah whatever stop ruining my favorite love story!!'' Selena yells covering her ears.

''Its still meant to be..'' James says sheepishly, ''and i'm not talking about Romeo and Juliet..'' he takes a sip of his beer.

''Look, me and Kai aren't meant to be, its not ''fate'' or anything so don't give me that bullshit'' i wave my arms around like a crazy person.

''I am going to prove you wrong! If it isn't fate than i dare you to go to Jay's bedroom window and say it!'' she squeals and grins and i roll my eyes.

''No fucking way''

''Yes, fucking way'' James buts in and chuckles.

''Bitch, you have to do it!'' Selena laughs and pulls my arm up the stairs as James follows behind bringing his bottle of beer with him.

''F-Fine! But i'm only doing it to prove your ass wrong!'' i shout as she drags me into Jay's room.

I slowly make my way towards the window, James pushed me closer and i lean outwards and rest my hands on the windowsill. I stick my head out the window speechless. I swear i could feel Selena and James getting their phones out.

This is so stupid.

I'm only doing this to make them happy okay?

''O Romeo, O Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?'' i cried out from the stupid-ass windowsill.

Fun fact, 'wherefore art thou Romeo' means why are you Romeo? As in why is he a Montague. Also, don't ask me how i know this, my sister absolutely loves the play. I guess i picked up a few things.

But after i said those word i couldn't believe my eyes, i swear i almost fainted.

It was Mr Hot Stuff, AKA Kai Stone.

No way it could be fate..that's a load of bullshit.

Kai parked his car and just about he was gonna knock on James's door Selena was already sprinting downstairs and opening the door. She squealed earning confused looks from Kai as me and James made our way downstairs.

''Hey, like we said...fate'' he made a i-told-you face as we walked downstairs.

''Puurrriiinccessss!! A certaaaiiinn Romeooo has come to seeeee youuu!!'' she cooed and spun around away from the door and pushed me into Kai.

I swear i think she's high or something.

She pushed me so hard into Kai we both went crashing into eachother and i swear i could hear snaps of photos being taken in the background.

Fuck..i was literally on top of the worlds greatest jackass AKA the guy i may or may not have a goddamn crush on.

I looked into his beautiful soft gems of eyes, oh those eyes, those beautiful eyes make blood rush into my cheeks. 

My eyes make contact with his and he looks so lost in my orbs. He starts to shift around and my blush grows bigger...damn it i can feel his bulge...

''I know i'm just utterly irresistible Princess, but you really should get off me..or if you want we can take this to the bedroom?'' he winks and licks his lips playfully.

I roll my eyes and get off him as quick as i can and turn around briefly to give piercing glares to my friends and quickly look back at this pervert who just stands there and chuckles like a idiot.

''So, how did you know i was uh here stalker?'' i say casually and he smiles.

''Your sister, Claire told me you were here babe''

Damn it Clairie...

''Don't call me babe''

I know you love it''

''I really don't jackass''

''Feisty persona again?''

''I can be seductive when i wanna be..'' i lick my lips to tease him and scan him up and down as he chuckles.

''Like this side of you..'' his signature smirk reappears and this time i'm enjoying it.

I remember i used to update every day..ah good ol' times....

School is very frustrating, also i might not update very often and maybe i'll just update tomorrow and then wait five or six more days until i'll update again.

Why i might update tomorrow your asking? I have no school tomorrow...yay!

Any who, I'm thinking of doing a sequel to this once i finished the book obviously.

Do you know Jake? Princess's 8 year old brother? Well, i'm thinking of making him the main character in my sequel. Sorta like a next generation thing. He would be like the ''good boy'' and the girl he falls for would either be a tomboy kinda gal or bad girl.

So what do you think? Oh and if your thinking ''Oh well, Jake isn't really important at the moment in the story'' don't worry he will be soon.

~Princess <3

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