Chapter 2: Man whore

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I huff down the corridors with range, not looking where i was going i bumped into someone going to my sisters office. I squint my eyes as my ass hit the floor (that sounds so wrong guys lmao)

''Ugh! Watch where your going bitch'' i heard him say and i opened my eyes to see a bad boy looking guy across me.He had amazing tattoos on both arms and i had to admit he was hot. I stand up quickly as he does to as he glares daggers at me.

''ass'' i mumble, he immediately looks back, well shit...

''well, i'm guessing you're Princess aren't you? The names Kai'' he says as he walks slowly closer to me.

He was so close i could feel the heat of his body and his breath on my neck as he leaned in to whisper into my ear ''by the way this shitty high school is mine''.

''Too bad, now its mine play boy'' i smirk.

''i prefer the term player'' he grins and it makes me chuckle.

''oh so you're the bad boy type aren't you?''

''guess i am love'' he softly says,

''man whore'' i retorted.

''This school is mine''

''but now it won't be''

''lets play a game''

''games are what i'm good at sweetie'' i wink

''we are gonna try and take the school from each other and as i'm utterly irresistible lets try and make this a real challenge, i will tempt you to fall for me and if you don't you get the honor at beating me at my own game''

''oh but you sure do a lot of talking Mr irresistible''

i smirk and walk away with my hands in my pocket, leaving him standing there slightly shocked. I stroll to my Physics class clearly late,unaware that Mr hot boy player, asshole Alex and Little Miss Queen Bee would be there.

''Sup teach''

i walk in to the teachers awkward nod as she carried on with the lesson ''like i was saying, you will work on a project on Physics in group of threes on what you have learnt so far, now Alex, Kai and Brianna shall be a group and Micheal, Dylan and Lisa and finally Selena, James and Princess, as you are new, James and Selena will help you''

I walk over to the two people waving at me awkwardly.


the bell rings and i walk out before anyone could say anther word to me. I had a free period so i walked around the school bored out of my mind and lunch finally starts. I feel soo hungry gosh, i walked into the line and waited to get the piece of trash they make and call food. I look down at my apple, a blob of green stuff and a burger. Yeah, great i get to eat a blob of mold and a burger that's gonna make me gain calories. I look around the cafeteria to see everyone crowded around in the corner. I put my tray of  what they call food on the nearest table, ugh whats happening now? i walk towards the crowd and push past to get to the middle. I see that boy from class, Dylan on the floor while Brianna's sexy boyfriend Micheal carries on punching him. I laugh at them and soon it escalates quickly. As the crowd shout and scream, Micheal is there choking Dylan.

I sigh ''Ladies! Ladies! break it up!''

i push Micheal roughly of Dylan and stand there with my hands on my hips waiting for them to regain their dignity and get up. They look at me with piercing glares and each other.

''we know your on your man period i get it, but seriously? What the fuck happened?!'' i scream at them

''That fucking bastard slept with Bri!!'' he yelled as he put his fist up at Dylan

He just stood there with his arms crossed and scoffed ''fuck you'' he mumbled.

I facepalmed as the teachers came rushing towards the crowd. I walk away and go to the girls' bathroom, i walk in and spill water onto my face and look into the mirror. What the fuck just happened? why does everything have to happen to me? ugh, i cant be bothered with this shit. I walk into the cafeteria to have everyone staring at me

''get on with your lives!!'' i hiss at them and i grumble and walk to the table i put my food on practically collapsing into the chair.

''I'm ditching school'' i mumble,

come on! only third period and i have already met Queen Bee, bad boy, an asshole, i got sent to the principals office and i have broken up a fight! I look at my food clearly lost my appetite and pick up the green apple and bite into it (DRAPPLE--)  lord help me survive this day. I look across the table, the two other people on the table were coincidentally the people i'm working with on the physics project. That Selena girl and James dude. I look at them with my apple in my hand and gaze at them as they talk and laugh. They quickly stop to look at me and i awkwardly look the other way. I hear a soft voice

''hi, i'm Selena and this is James''

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