Chapter 11: So whats the plan?

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I woke up extra early to talk to Clare about the whole weird-guy-kissing i saw on Instagram. As Clare is the head teacher of this shitty school she has to wake up really early and then I wake up and go to the crap school, Nancy arrives and brings Jake to school and that morning for ya. Today i felt horrible in the morning, i slouched as i walked slowly looking like a zombie downstairs to see Clare eating breakfast looking like a ray of sunshine.

She looks over at me in curiosity ''Why you up so early?'' she says taking a bite into her toast.

''I woke up early to ask you about that weird ass guy you kissed'' she choked on her toast and rushed for a glass of water, gulping it down as if it was the Olympics.

''How do you know?!'' she managed to cough out,

''Insta'' i said waving my phone with my right hand as she facepalms.

''Shit'' she mumbles and i cross my arms over my night gown, also don't ask why i'm wearing a night gown.

''Explain'' i said and she looked at me wide eyed,

''Oh, so i'm not allowed to have a dating life now?'' she slightly raised her voice and i was slightly shook from her response.

''Oh your most definitely allowed to have a dating life, i mean i've been tryin' to convince you for years! But you can't just go around kissing guys, it was quite a shock to see that on Insta'' i lecture and she looked down at her toast on her plate her face slightly angered.

''I don't need your permission Cess'' she said strongly and demandingly and walked upstairs to get her things.

I sighed and walked upstairs after she was out of sight into her bedroom, i walked  into the shower. I felt the water wash away all my worries, my stress and negative emotions as the water hit my skin soothingly. I wrapped the towel around me and got changed into some black jeans and a crop top with my classic leather jacket and black Vans. I got my stuff and strolled to my beauty and drove off in my ruby red Mazda 3 towards James' house. I parked outside and honked a few times, he didn't come out so knocked on his door only to make eye contact with his parents.

''Oh look Jamie!! Its your girlfriend-what was her name again?! Ah yes! Princess'' the woman shrieked in excitement and i heard James groan.

MY eye widen in shock. Me, James EW no way! He's like my brother! And who the fuck wants to be with their brother in that way?!

''Mom, for the last time!! She is NOT and i repeat NOT my girlfriend! Thats what you say when Selena comes over!'' James yelled somewhere in the living room i'm guessing.

''You need some men as your friends James my boy!!'' His father yelled in a shocked tone and i heard James grumble again.

''Just please stop embarrassing me for once!!'' he laughed as he kissed his parents and shut the door behind him.

I fist bumped him and put my arm around him putting weight down and rubbing his hair messing it up ''You need some men as your friends James!'' i said in a deep voice making us look at each other then bursting out laughing.

We walked to the car and hopped in, driving to Selena's house. The wind hit us like a brick wall and caused me to shiver as we parked outside Selena's house. We got out in hurry and ran towards the front door only because James was afraid we were gonna be late for stupid school. We knocked on the door and Selena answered it. Surprisingly it was really quiet.

''Where are all of your other six siblings?" i asked in curiosity as James nodded.

''In the mornings the house is always so peaceful because they're always sound asleep'' she said with a shrug as she swung her bag over her shoulder and walked to the car.

''adiós mi pequeña niña [Goodbye my little girl] '' her mother shouted behind her and Selena laughed.

''adiós mamá [Goodbye, mom]'' she yelled as she entered my car in rush.

~Time Skip~

''fuck..'' i mumbled under my breath as i saw him, Oakswood High very own Kai Stone.

Selena and James look at me with blank faces after what happened yesterday, i don 't think neither of them want to run into him.

''So whats the plan?'' James asked and Selena breathed out dramatically.

''We are just walking past like nothing happened!'' i smile trying to be positive as i breath in and out deeply.

We walk past Kai awkwardly and obviously with our luck he notices us and pulls out his signature player smirk. The smirk that  i absolutely hate and yet love at the same time.

''So my Princess, can i see if your wearing that black laced bra~'' he purred winking as his friends chuckled and i grew raging.

Selena grabbed my wrist as i had flashbacks when her last time called me his Princess. I pulled away from her grip as James looked at me anxiously.

Kai just walked in casually smirking at me while i quickly got up from the floor. I walked towards the corner of the small closet avoiding the players eye contact. He stood there, on the other side of the closet with his arms crossed over his chest smirking at me.

''What are you so afraid of my Princess?'' he purred and my eyes slightly widened.

''Your Princess? I'm not your Princess...''i hissed,

''you didn't answer the question love'' he retorted.

''Oh shut up''.

I walked up to him stomping my feet in anger as his friends stopped laughing and silence filled the hall. I pointed at his chest so close and my surroundings so quiet i could hear his rhythmic heart beat.

''That is the second time you've called me that!! I am n-not your Princess!'' i stuttered. Why did i stutter this time?!

He bent his down so his face was at the same level as mine, so close i felt my heart beat faster.

''Second time?'' he said in a curious and quite cute tone i might add.

Fuck...he didn't remember that night...

''YOU GUYS KISSED AT BRIANNA'S PARTY!!'' someone shouted and the halls soon filled with cheering, gasping mainly from Brianna and Lisa, laughs and shocked faces.

I was so flustered, i blushed. Why do i always blush at him?! I never blushed because of anyone else before. . . Soon Kai had his eyes widened and his hand covering his slight blush.I CANNOT BELIEVE KAI STONE, BAD BOY OF THIS HIGH SCHOOL IS FUCKING BLUSHING . . .

I look over to my friends who had the most weirdest smirks on ever plastered all over their faces looking just like the Cheshire cat.

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