Taking Over

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"From what we discussed, it seems that even if Thanos completes his mission, he is still a threat to all living and dead while he holds that power." Frigg said.

Loki and Kitri locked eyes. "She does have a good point. Even if we hide down here after it is all over there is no guarantee that he will just leave things be after his mission is complete." Kitri thought.

"It is definitely not in his nature." Loki added.

"Of course, going against him is a large and dangerous feat that could cause him to destroy many of our people, but for those who are brave enough to try to go against Thanos, those that manage to not get eliminated, we will make arrangements so that they will be free to continue on. Another chance, in any of the realms."

Everyone stared at Frigg in shock.

"Valhalla included..." She added. The room was silent as everyone around the table tried to comprehend what was just said.

Loki was the first to break the silence. "Mother... How???"

Frigg gave him a sad yet loving smile. "Well... We first would have to ask for yet another completely unfair sacrifice from Hel." She said softly, implying the first was her being forced to rule over the dead. Everyone turned to look at Hel and she nodded once, her sullen expression remaining unfazed.

"I have agreed to assist in getting one of you to Valhalla to inform Odin. To convince him to accept anyone sent by me to Valhalla after they have assisted in defeating Thanos." Hel's words were direct yet emotionless.

Loki scoffed. "As if he would listen to just any-" He paused as realization hit him, and he looked over to Frigg wide eyed. "No..." He let out in a low voice. Everyone else looked between them in growing confusion.

Frigg nodded understandingly, before she elaborated. "Yes, Loki... I will be the one to do this. Isis will bring me back from the dead as she has done once before to another, and Hel and I shall battle. Killing me in battle will guarantee my passage to him."

Stunned silence filled the room.

Kitri didn't know how to respond. Loki would be losing his mother all over again, this time to Valhalla, a place he could never even hope of getting into after death. "Why does it need to be Hel who kills you?" A large Jotun leader asked.

"The battle needs to be genuine. I cannot willingly get slaughtered. I have to put everything into the fight. Hel has grown incredibly strong while remaining here, and reincarnation will make me much weaker. Aside from her, only a living person can make my death count, and I do not wish to take any chances." Her determination was clear in her voice.

Loki had forgotten how powerful Frigg looked whenever she spoke like this. She very well could have led Asgard on her own, and he probably would have preferred that she did. It was clear she was not even slightly hesitant about her part in this.

"How will we even travel from this realm when we have a full army?" Kitri asked, and Isis lifted up one finger to bring everyone's attention to her.

"I have led each deceased soul down here for as long as I remember. I am certain I can get them out." She said, her dark eyes confidently meeting the gaze of anyone who looked toward her directly.

Frigg nodded toward her gratefully. "I must mention Isis' great contribution to this. Leading souls and what we will need to force the dead into undead is entirely within her powers and will."

It seemed like a new shocking bombshell was being dropped with every few words. Most of the attendees remained silent, not sure what to think, let alone what questions to ask. Kitri bowed her head respectfully, first toward Hel, then toward Isis. "Many thanks to you for everything you are willing to contribute to this cause." She said gratefully as her and Isis locked eyes, Isis raising an eyebrow at her while returning a flirty smirk.

Isis bowed gracefully to everyone in return, making elegant hand motions. Her black and deep blue silk robes against her tan skin made the gesture look that much more fluid and natural. A few people quietly backed up what Kitri said in appreciating "thank you"s.

"I do have questions..." Loki said, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his seat. "If Hel has so much power, why not have her fight Thanos alongside us?"

Hel showed another one her pained looking smiles. "Someone still needs to look over the dead here."

Loki felt like he got her into a corner and smirked. "Then who will do so while you are busy fighting Frigg into Valhalla?" Both Hel and Frigg glanced at each other, before looking back to Loki.

Frigg was the first to answer. "We have thought of this... We decided that you would, Loki..."

Kitri bit her lip and looked down, averting her gaze. "Oh?" She thought to him. He could feel the excitement radiating off that thought, and he would be lying if he did not feel thrilled himself.

"What..." He coughed, clearing his throat. "What would the expectations be, while you are gone?" He asked. Hiding his excitement became much more difficult as he felt Kitri's thoughts rushing through his head. He shut her out to try to compose himself.

Hel spoke, while motioning for the servants in the room to refill her glass, along with anyone else's that was anywhere close to empty. "Since you two are living and need the support of my servants for food and other fairly inconvenient for you needs to survive out here, this was the most logical decision. Not to mention, your status as my brother, and ability to use illusions, should make the transition fairly smooth for everyone to accept."

"I am certain that once we make the announcement before our departure, there will be plenty of willing participants. Each one of you around this table should take responsibility for any people that show up to be recruited. We need everyone we can get, but unfortunately the weaker people may just slow the rest of the warriors down. This option is for those able bodied enough to belong in Valhalla. Those that would have naturally gone there if they had died in battle instead of whatever circumstances caused their passing."

Frigg locked eyes with Loki in a meaningful way before she spoke. "Once Hel returns after my passing, she will take over this burden... but before then, I trust that you will use good judgement."

Loki reopened the connection to Kitri before he answered, her looking down and biting her lip at the avalanche of his mischievous thoughts flooding her head.

"I can promise you that I, Loki Odinson, will do my best to properly handle the responsibility bestowed upon me."

Frigg smiled and nodded towards him in approval.

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