The New Avenger

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"It doesn't seem like it's him." The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent hissed to Black Widow as they snuck through the dark sandy beach, with only the moonlight above to illuminate their way. Up ahead, the New York City lights were just barely visible on the horizon.

"Too early to tell. Keep your voice down." Natasha warned in a stern whisper, taking care to press the voice communication button on her headset to get the message across. The agent she had been paired up with always seemed to have trouble remembering to use his headset, much to her annoyance.

This type of rookie mistake could get them killed. She'd seen it happen on many missions before, and it was hard to gauge how dangerous this task could be.

A small cosmic anomaly. A violent rip between dimensions that allowed a being to carelessly cross between two realms. The kind that S.H.I.E.L.D. had learned to track after Loki's initial contact with Earth.

This time, though, they didn't see an army of aliens storming in to take over, nor any obvious otherworldly presence demanding attention. It was hard to tell if the silence around them was welcoming or suspicious, but they needed to investigate the source of the anomaly nevertheless.

The agent suddenly let out a loud shaky whisper. "What the HELL is that?!"

Natasha's eyes widened as she caught sight of what had startled the other agent.

At least he remembered to use his headset this time.

Silently, she dashed toward a humanoid object laid crumpled on top of the soft moonlit sand, as a loud inhuman screech erupted from the mass. "Call Fury for backup!" She shouted.

"What are you do-" The agent began, before Natasha interrupted him.

Her loud command went directly into his ears, more focused and unsettling than even the demonic scream that quickly filled the air around them. "NOW!"

The agent fumbled with his radio, his shaking fingers repeatedly pressing the keys for an emergency extraction.


Loki stood in Odin's throne room by Thor's side, listening to Odin and Thor drone on about this week's activities as Odin's two ravens rested comfortably on each of his shoulders.

This kind of dull reporting to his father had always bored him to tears. After his invasion of New York, he'd been sent back to Asgard, but due to his elite status, along with Odin's indifference toward the lower realms, he was met with a mere slap on the wrist along with some new pesky restrictions on what he was allowed to do.

Leaving Asgard was the main no-no that left him confined, yet thankful that he did not have to deal with Thanos while the Avengers took charge of keeping peace in Midgard. This left him with plenty of time to pull some of his usual trickery, and although most of it was fairly minor, for now messing with the servants and locals was a fulfilling enough pastime.

Often it was mild things, like using illusions to make objects look out of place, such as sneakily transforming the tip of Odin's spear to appear phallic. During those times the hardest part was hiding his delight as he watched the visitors occupying Odin's halls try to retain their composure while doing their best to not look at the obscene object in fear of upsetting the Allfather. Other times involved more intricate trickery, like leading overly inebriated Asgardians deep into the woods on the outskirts of Asgard, by transforming himself into a bodacious slender young woman in translucent silk robes and playfully having them chase her.

Some of those men were lost for days, but almost all found their way back toward civilization eventually.

"We have gained a new addition to the Avengers." Thor boasted while proudly crossing his arms, grinning up to his father. "I plan on inviting them to Asgard for a visit tomorrow afternoon."

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