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Loki threw some cold water on his face from the fountain outside of the bathroom to calm himself down, and stared at his reflection in the water for a few moments. He knew he had to get back to the meeting, otherwise he would not hear the end of it from Odin. His little frustrated outburst probably would not be that great for him as it is.

He felt the thought connection open up again slightly as a thought from Kitri came through.

"I told you you would break it." The amusement was clear in her tone, and he shook his head with a smile, some of the frustration melting away.

"Now is not the time for an "I told you so, Kitri. You will have to pay for teasing me like this while I was in front of the heads of Asgard." He heard her musical laugh, probably laughing aloud as well as in her head.

"We made you give yourself away then, love? I shall then be looking forward to your punishment for me." She sounded just as playful as before.

Loki began slowly walking through the halls back to the meeting room. "I would not say I gave myself away, but Odin may have a word with me later about a small annoyed outburst."

He then composed himself attempting to sound cold and threatening. "I believe you do not understand the severity of what you are getting yourself into in regard to my punishment for you. I am a god after all, one with a passion for causing pain, and making people kneel in front of me." He smirked and expected Kitri to laugh, or retract her previous statement, but what he heard next was not exactly what he had expected.

"Well in that case, my god of mischief..." her voice sounded more serious than before, but her excitement seeped through each syllable. "Although I may prove to be a bit of a challenge to be forced to kneel, a bit of pain would be fairly pleasurable. Especially if it is by your hand. I welcome any marks you wish to leave on my body as trophies of our time together."

He sat back down in his seat along the table, Odin and some others eyeing him wearily. "Nice to have you join us back here, Loki." Odin said in a somewhat aggravated tone, to which Loki just nodded, and gestured for the servant in the room to bring him more wine as they continued talking among themselves.

"Curses... I just simmered down from what I witnessed through you, and you are already forcing my mind to create filthy fantasies and plans." He thought.

Kitri let out a delighted chuckle.

"Is that elven woman still with you in my chambers?" He asked.

"Yes, she is getting dressed and finishing cleaning. I chose to finish enjoying this bath and speaking, or perhaps thinking, to you on my own."

While in his room, Kitri got out of the bath and dried herself, covering her body up with one of her long elegant robes. She used her magic to dry her hair, grinning widely at the fact that this was the first time she has successfully done this without accidentally setting fire to anything.

Fulla was finishing dusting the room, her face still flushed, and her servant's robes looking much more disheveled than when she first came in.

She jumped as the two women heard a sudden banging from someone slamming their fists against the door of the room. Kitri cut off her connection to Loki in surprise, and she used magic to finish clothing herself completely before making her way towards the door.

"Loki, I need to speak with you immediately! Open up!" She heard the thunderous voice of Thor as he kept slamming his fists against the door of Loki's chambers.

"Curses, I thought he was still supposed to be on Midgard. Does he think this is what knocking is??" She thought as she cracked open the door. "Thor, settle down, you daft man!" Kitri hissed.

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