An Abomination

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Loki tried to push Kitri out of his head, but she forced the connection to remain open as she dug through any thoughts she could get out of him. He was not able to resist much due to how drunk he was, but was still impressed with her improved strength in magic to be able to do so.

Kitri slowly shook her head. "No, you are going to have to try me on this one. Whatever it is I will find out eventually from our extended stay in Hel." She stated pointedly.

Loki sighed in defeat, and remained silent for a few long moments before he could make the words out. "I have told you I was found and adopted by Odin. What I left out was that I am a Jötunn... Left by my family of chaotic origin... Odin found me and took me in, with just enough compassion to favor the idea of making a future deal for peace with them."

Now it was he who studied her face for any sort of reaction, trying to tune into her head as much as possible. He figured she would at least push him away, probably yell at him for tricking her, perhaps something even worse.

Kitri's smile disappeared, but she did not even twitch to move farther away from him as he had expected. Still, her mind remained empty.

After a few painfully anxious moments for Loki, she tilted her head quizzically and looked at him in confusion. "I must apologize..." As she spoke aloud his heart seemed like it was going to jump out of his chest. "Why should I care about this..?"

Loki paused, unsure of how to answer. It was definitely not a reaction he had expected. "Because the Jötunn killed many of our people? Because they are an awful race that Odin wishes to destroy and are hated for it?"

Kitri waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "They may have done so. Of your people. Yet I am not from here, remember? Anything they did to the Asgardians I do not know of, since I was busy being burned alive. Past that, as far as I know you have not done anything to contribute to doing this. Nor would I really care if you had done so, since Odin and the Aesir killed many of my people during the war between our realms."

Loki pushed her down onto her back on his floor, kicking over the little of the wine left in the bottle near them. It spilled onto the thick green carpet and Kitri groaned in protest, but Loki didn't care one bit. He just looked down at her, his eyes searching her face for any sort of hint of lies or hesitation, but she just looked genuinely distressed about the wasted wine.

"What is the matter with you?!" She hissed, deciding to switch back to thought to be more clear.

Just kept looking down at her in astonishment. "You... You really do not care, do you?!" He thought, and she finally looked up to meet his eyes and look deeply into them.

"Loki, I genuinely do not care... Nor do I understand why you expect me to. I am honestly quite insulted that you would think I would change my mind about anything I have said based on your origin."

He pushed himself up on his arms to hover over her. She did not fight back, just looking up at him in confusion. They remained there for tens of seconds, just drunkenly looking at each other. "I cannot believe this one bit... It is my greatest shame."

She suddenly wrapped her legs around his waist from under him, and used as much strength as she could to force his body off of her onto his side. It worked, if only just barely, thanks to the alcohol. She pushed him down on his back with her hands and straddled him, sitting firmly on his waist.

"Show me." She commanded. Loki grinned up at her, shaking his head. Her lack of care suddenly made him less concerned, which allowed his playful trickster side to take more of a hold on him.

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