Lies and Mischief

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The battle was over in less than twenty minutes, and members of the Black Order stood in a semicircle behind Loki and Kitri with Thanos facing them. His large hand was showing off the gauntlet with a glowing purple stone in it, the other holding a blood-soaked Thor up by his head. Thor was no small man by any means, but he looked so fragile compared to the behemoth of the man that had a tight grip on him.

"Overtaken in minutes..." Kitri thought. "What an absurd joke."

Thor spat blood, and Kitri's brows furrowed as she watched him, trying to hide concern. Loki's double stood in front, closer to Thanos and Thor than the rest.

Thanos finally spoke toward them, his voice deep and emotionless. "The tesseract, or your brother's head... I assume you have a preference." His tone was so low and calm that it sent shivers down Kitri's spine. He really did not seem to value life in the slightest.

Loki's double scoffed, as Thanos locked eyes with Kitri looking her over. "I, personally, do not have a preference." She answered coldly, her pitch black eyes not breaking eye contact with him.

"Well I do!" Loki practically sang those words while grinning. "Kill away!"

Thor's eyes filled with panic, and he began screaming in pain as Thanos pressed the power stone against his temple. Kitri averted her gaze toward the ground, her face absent of any emotion.

Years, or maybe even months ago, Loki would have given everything to see his brother destroyed like this. He wished he would suffer like this for so long.

Thor was the one loved and celebrated by everyone, while he was always looked at with scorn, no matter how hard he trained or what he achieved with his brilliant mind. Even while being a double, the Loki there shared the same mindset as the real one.

Yet once he actually saw Thor screaming in agony, his mind wandered to the last time he spent with Kitri with his Jötunn skin exposed, and his feelings grew conflicted. It made him remember how Thor really did treat him as a brother, no matter what everyone else thought, and this gave him an unpleasant glimpse of hope that maybe the way he views his situation does not need to be as bleak as it may feel.

"ALRIGHT, STOP!" He yelled.

Loki worked for Thanos for so long, he clearly knew about his sadistic nature. No matter how noble he made his cause seem, if someone meaningful to the one who was fighting Thanos was killed, he would keep the other alive just to suffer the loss. Loki just had to maintain the illusion long enough to convince both Thor and Thanos that he succeeded in creating that suffering for Thor.

Thanos slowly moved the gauntlet away from Thor's head.

Figuring Kitri was Thor's woman, he was surprised she was not the one to act out to protect him. After all, Loki seemed to take revenge on his brother when he worked for him, so what has changed? With this slight elevation in curiosity he peeked inside her head. All he could see was what seemed like static and silence. He was powerful enough for her not to notice his presence in her mind, but knowing the situation ahead of time made her more cautious of her thoughts.

"We do not have it! It was destroyed on Asgard." Thor spat, exhausted and out of breath from the pain, blood and spit flying everywhere as he spoke.

Kitri tried to avoid looking up at them, her gaze glued to the ground as she rolled her eyes. "Loki was right, they really did underestimate him... Gods, a child could see through that lie, Thor... Why else would he be able to find us this quickly if he did not already know that we had it???"

Thanos chuckled. Her thought was just a whisper, but he still had no trouble making it out. "Clever... A magic user then..." he thought to himself. "I have not seen her use whatever powers she may have here... I wonder why that is." He looked back to Loki with a knowing look.

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