Settling In

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"If you do not like your horns, why does your helmet have them?" Kitri asked, and Loki chuckled as they walked down the long halls to meet back up with Frigg.

"Three reasons. It hints at my past." He began while raising one finger. "Keeping mine hidden is the hardest part of the illusion. So when ready to battle, or in one, I would prefer not to waste the effort and just cover them up." He admitted as he raised a second finger. "Lastly, the horns add to my GREATLY intimidating appearance." He added as he nudged her with a playful wink.

"Yes, you are extremely intimidating. Symbolism, practicality, and intimidation... Seems quite fitting. Do we even know where we are going?" She said with a soft sigh.

Loki shrugged. "Who cares? I am certain we will find it at some point, or will ask a servant for directions. It is the throne room of this place, after all. How complicated could it be?"

Kitri scoffed. "You have no idea how confusing Odin's halls are in Asgard for someone who did not grow up there... We need to ask Frigg how they manage time here. I cannot tell how long it has been with the sky looking the same at all times."

Loki shrugged again. "I am fairly certain they prefer not to. They are here for eternity, what does time matter at that point?"

Loki picked a random hallway out of the few in front of them and they continued walking, finally turning to one that seemed like it led to a large open room. "I have had this question but did not think to ask. What is it about your mother referring to Hel as if it was a person?"

Loki switched to thought, as he found it easier to portray what he wanted to say without worrying about any unwanted ears. "I know it sounds odd. The ruler of Hel itself is Thor's sister. Mine as well, if you would like to believe I am a significant child of Odin, as I once did... Once she was born, she was sent to rule here by our father. The dead come here and continue their lives. Those who were killed in battle went to Valhalla. The rest went here. Once Odin died, he would rule Valhalla as his own realm. As I am sure he is doing now, that one eyed fool..." Loki thought, shaking his head with a grim expression.

"As it turned out, the dead coming here were scattered and lost, wandering the ashen planes for eternity. It was miserable, and she gathered them up in her own area of Niflheim and is to guide them together. Rule over them. Make it so they could continue doing the same things they did before. Drink, fight, fuck, what have it."

"How very kind of him... I can assume he sacrificed her right when she became of age?" Kitri thought back. "I doubt anyone living would be able to do that."

Loki nodded. "Odin has always wanted to maintain order between all the realms and rule. Just as my mother had said; no matter the sacrifice." They arrived to a massive open throne room, and Loki beamed as he saw his mother stand up from the seat of honor next to the throne.

Although he had already seen and spoken to her earlier, his mind was still in shock from having her appear back in his life. It seemed too good to be true, and there was a small worry that he had somehow dreamed it. She stood and smiled warmly at the two as they walked closer to the enormous onyx throne that put the one on Asgard to shame.

In that throne sat a woman with skin so pale that it had a hint of gray to it.

She was sickeningly thin and tall, probably close to Loki's height if not taller, and wore long loose fitting conservative black robes. On her head rested a helmet with long protrusions, resembling deer horns or dead tree branches. The dark circles around her tired eyes gave her the appearance of not having slept for decades, and her face clearly wore the mask of sully, broken only by her pained smile at their approach. With a dreadful elegance, she stood to greet them.

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