Forced to Watch

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They rarely used their abilities to talk to one another through their minds, unless it was regarding the information of each other's whereabouts or to make plans. Although on this particular late afternoon, Kitri was lazily lounging on Loki's bed dressed only in black lace underwear, enjoying the feeling of the silken sheets underneath her body.

The pleasant feeling was made even sweeter knowing she could use this opportunity to tease Loki while he was otherwise occupied. He was in a particularly long series of meetings with Odin and some Asgardian elites that would make him unavailable for most of the afternoon.

"You mean to say that you are not enjoying yourself? I thought Odin's friends were your most favorite people to discuss the wellbeing of your realm with." Kitri joked while rolling over to lay on her back.

Loki scoffed quietly, but tried to hide his reaction from the men around him. "Yess... Quite enjoyable. Listening to my father drag on and on about how my brother is the golden diapered hero who united us with this Midgard realm and is to have the throne. The most exciting of activities..." His thoughts were soaked with sarcasm, but his annoyed and dismissive tone made Kitri laugh aloud.

"Show me." She insisted, and he opened up the mental bridge between them for a short while, letting her see the view through his uninterested eyes.

It was a much smaller room compared to the overwhelming gaping throne room, but it had a long table with armored Asgardian warriors seated along it. Odin was at the head of this table, and she heard a few short snippets of Odin speaking without being able to understand what he was saying aside from catching Thor's name casually thrown in. "Hmm... Well now I can officially say I am not envying you." She thought, and Loki cracked a half smile.

Kitri heard a light knock on Loki's chamber door and shut him out of her head. She got up with an annoyed sigh to answer it, but her face brightened upon seeing the elven woman she spoke to a while back at the bar before she was scared off by Loki's appearance.

"Why hello there..." Kitri spoke, slowly drinking in the astonished expression of the woman in front of her. She blushed seeing the half dressed woman. "Lady Kitri... You have my deepest apologies for intruding. I was ordered to clean his chambers along with the rest of this hall, I had no idea-"

Kitri grabbed onto her wrist and lightly guided her inside the room. "No need. Just go about your business and pretend I am not here."

The woman nodded, biting her lip nervously. Kitri walked back to lounge on Loki's bed so the servant could have a bit more space as she began working.

"Please, remind me of your name, love?" Kitri called out to the woman who was now cleaning the bathroom. "Fulla, m'lady". She did not look up as she scrubbed and polished the sides of the already shining large bathtub. Her skin was so pale that it looked similar to the shining porcelain of the tub, yet somehow even more mesmerizing.

"Well then, Fulla. Would you mind drawing a bath for me once you are finished?" Kitri leaned against the frame of the doorway of the bathroom as she asked, enjoying watching the elven woman's shape through her light servant robes as she bent over to do her work.

Fulla stood up straight, averting her eyes from Kitri's lace covered body, shocked that this woman was requesting to bathe in the chambers of the almighty god, but realizing that someone that was there and had made such an absurd request was not to be questioned.

After all, Frigg taught her well during her time serving her before her death. Fulla had been her favorite servant, trusting her not only with her secrets and assigning special tasks, but also teaching her about their realm, which would have been risky for any Asgardian to tell an enslaved elf.

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