Wasting Time

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The potion was different than usual. The golden yellow color was accompanied by dark brown flakes. The taste was still pleasant, based on what the person consuming it prefered, but was followed by a mild burnt aftertaste.

Kitri turned back to look at Loki with curiosity. "Did you ever drink the one I made you on Asgard?" She asked quietly.

Loki showed his toothy smile, standing up and reaching a hand out to help her up. "After that lovely show I got from you of what the elixir could do by using that woman of magic, how could I not?"

"It was around the same time Fury sent you on that mission. I did heed your warning of not planning much to do for the day... It was... Quite an experience." He led her to the long chorleywood sofa, dropping down to lounge on it while Kitri set the music box on the table in front of it.

Even the way the potion started to take effect was unfamiliar. The sensation created by the previous ones would be instantaneous, only taking moments after drinking it to take effect. As Kitri sat on the other side of the sofa she felt the pleasant feeling of bliss slowly seeping in little by little, looking over to see Loki watching her as he relaxed, sinking into the sofa with a pleased groan.

"That look you give me alone can make me come undone..." The thought just slipped from Kitri's mind, but it made Loki grow a mischievous grin as his eyes filled with hunger.

"Ohhh I think you are in quite some trouble then." He said in a low seductive tone.

Even if she could have managed to keep her expression from showing signs of how his silky words affected her, her thoughts definitely did not.

Loki sighed in pleasure from getting to see the small flashes of her filthy fantasies going through her mind, the potion making her unable to keep any of them hidden. She cleared her throat, cheeks flushing red as she reached for the music box. Loki thought about stopping her to save it for later, but decided against it. The increasing intensity of the sensation caused by the elixir made his thoughts go fuzzy, and he sighed as he sunk further down into the couch.

Kitri bit her lip trying to contain her reaction from the sounds Loki was letting slip, along with the sensation she was feeling on her own. "By the gods, I did not think of our connection amplifying this by so much, even with how seemingly weak the ingredients seemed..." She thought, leaning back against Loki with the music box in hand.

"Keep in mind, ingredients or not, you have improved your skills tremendously since you have made this last, my sweet." He thought, while snaking his hands around her body, enjoying the feeling of her thin waist and body heat against him.

"Ready?" Kitri thought, looking over her shoulder at him playfully, and Loki shrugged, mostly just enjoying seeing Kitri's eager expression. He no longer cared for the damned thing she was holding. He wanted to wrap his body around hers, pull her into him and do unspeakable things. She chuckled taking that as agreement, and wound it up, setting it back on the table.

A low melody began to play, filling the room with dreary sounds. She did not wind it too much, so the song only played for around 10 seconds, but hearing it made flashes of screaming demonic sounds fill their minds.

For any sane person, this would have been disturbing, but combined with the increasing intensity of the elixir along with their reverberating thoughts of both pleasure and this horrific imagery, made their most chaotic evil thoughts come out, crazed for power and conquest.

Loki's fantasies turned to forcing all remaining beings to kneel before him, in complete sadistic control, while Kitri's gravitated toward bathing in the blood of the slain. The song slowed and ended, but the thoughts remained and have already been forced out in the open.

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