Chapter Four: COOKIES!

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Alessia's P.O.V.

Sometimes I think life can be extremely cruel. Always ending in negative outcomes. Or maybe I'm just the exception, also known as the target. Or maybe I got on the wrong side of karma.

I unscrewed the lid of my mascara and put a light coat on my lashes. Makeup was never really something I was fond of, but you never knew who you would see.

Besides, I was about to see Tony with Noah for the job. I changed from my tanktop and shorts, into a pair of black skinny jeans, a white tanktop and my leather jacket. I guess I've grown attached to it since I've been big enough to wear it.

I arrived at the diner five minutes early, but my eyes fell on the shop next to it.

Aralina's Ice Cream Parlour

Memories flooded into my mind as I stood there, basically paralysed.

"Any last words, Erick?" He snarled.

"You will never get her. Never" Erick spat.

"Aw, how heroic. You underestimate me, dear brother." The word 'brother' was laced with disgust and venom.


"Your family will miss you. Oh well."


"Any real last words?" He asked again.

"Paz no dolor" He replied as the loud bang filled the area.

No one came to see what the commotion was. So I stayed there. I suppose it was my fault in a way. I will always find a way to blame myself.

I blinked away the tears that pricked at the corner of my eyes.

Don't feel.

If you feel you will always end up dead.

Sin dolor.

A flash of grey came into my peripheral vision but I brushed it off, thinking it was an alley cat.

I walked away and to the diner. As soon as I stepped into the diner, the sadness deep in the pit of my stomach, disappeared.

It had a homey feeling, I guess. And the scent of...

"COOKIES!" I screamed and jogged into the room to find Tony and Noah already sitting there.

"Nice to see you too, Lessa." Noah chuckled and I slapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"Shut up." I muttered.

"OH MY. I'm being abused by my mother!" He screamed like a girl. A fangirl at that.

"As entertaining as this banter is, I would like to discuss this before christmas." Tony butted in, sheepishly.

"IT'S NOAH'S FAULT." I said before bursting out laughing. "Ok, so what's happening?"

We launched into a conversation about the job, and I was tempted to get up and do a happy dance when he said we could choose our own songs. However, he said that they would choose the songs most of the time, but only a few so the rest was up to us.

Noah told him about how I could play guitar and piano - I know what you're thinking, I'm some sort of teen prodigy, but Lakes and my Dad together make me practically... actually I pretty much am. I've just been trained for a long time.

Antonio said that there would be a backing track or band, but we could always use our own instruments for acoustic songs.

Everything was sorted out and the grand opening was the first time we would play. Once week to practice.

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