Chapter Twenty-Three: I guess you could call it a surprise?

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A/N:  HAPPY NEW YEAR! I UPDATED AND THANKS FOR 1K READS!! (there's actually 2 hours and 13 minutes till new years for me :)) )

Sorry, this is a short chapter and I took even longer to post it... not like it was half a year, BUT I'M SO HAPPY, mainly just because I'm allowed to go horse-riding for my birthday :)) day after new years (2nd Jan)

Alessia's P.O.V.

That same night, someone knocked on the door and Akina was fast asleep so I opened it to reveal Ian.

"Why are you up so late?" I mumbled.

He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually, I wanted to show you something."

I sighed and got up, shrugging a hoodie on over my shirt and tracksuit pants. "Better be worth it."

Ian smiled at me and waited for me to slip shoes on before grabbing my hand and practically dragging me out the door. If I was completely honest with myself, he looked like a little boy who dragged people out of bed on Christmas morning... and I guess it was kinda cute.

He continued leading me towards his unknown destination before putting a hand over my eyes and grabbing my arm again.

"Oh come on! I"m really not a fan of surprises." I complained, trying to pry his hand off.

"Nope. Not going to work, Chandler." he said and I could practically see the smirk or grin on his face.

"Pequeño niño insoportable." I mumbled.

"Just because I can't understand spanish, doesn't mean I can't guess what you said from the tone of your voice." he pointed out.

"Well then... nah, it doesn't change anything. Are we there yet?" I said, changing the subject.

"Now who's the one asking that question?" Ian said in response. I flipped him off before swearing as I tripped on a lump of snow. Or ice. "Fine, just one minute now." he said.

"If you plan to kill me, I will come back and haunt all your loved ones." I threatened and was met with a chuckle.

"Alessia Chandler, I solemnly swear I will not try to kill you." he joked.

He quickly made amends and fixed his statement when I threatened that I really would inflict harm on him. "Sorry. I have no doubt that you will."

We walked in silence for about a minute before he removed his hand from my eyes. How he managed to keep it there for so long, I had no idea.

The sight in front of me was certainly worth it. I looked around myself, mouth dropped open. There were fairy lights around trees that were covered in snow, and there was a small cake in the middle of the snow.

"I guess you could call it a surprise?" he said.

I chuckled lightly. "Who knew Ian Black could do something as thoughtful as this."

"Hey," he said. "I can be nice when I want to."

"I'm sure you can." I replied sarcastically. "So this is my birthday present from you, then?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. I swore I could see a small flush creeping up his neck. "Yeah."

"Well in that case, thank you. And let's eat that cake because it looks delicious." I grinned at him. "You know, Black. You're not so bad as you make yourself out to be."

He grinned. "Of course I'm not. But I wouldn't have a reputation in the school if I didn't keep this up."

"Well, I think you're just a cute little boy with emotions he can't handle. But giving a girl a cake is definitely the way to her heart. Marry me." I said jokingly.

Ian got up, taking the cake with him - me protesting at that - and knelt on one knee. "Will you, Alessia Chandler, do me the honour of becoming my cake eating partner in crime?"

I wiped a fake tear. "Yes! Of course I will." I snatched the cake back from him.

"So, Lessa. Tell me something about yourself, while we're having a moment." He said, cocking his head to the side.

My body locked, before I willed myself to relax again. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt telling you this. My dad died a few years ago... well, when I was ten."

"I won't say I'm sorry, because I don't have anything to be sorry for, since I didn't do anything, but I will ask; how?" he said.

I smiled. "Fair enough, and thanks. I hate it when people offer their condolescences like that. Anyway, some crazy asshole was running around with a gun. He shot my dad, and he died on the scene." It wasn't a lie... but I suppose I was lying by omission. It didn't matter, though. Ian didn't need to know about the Black Diamonds.

"Wow... okay then. Well, I'm pretty sure my dad's part of some corrupt organization that is secretly a drug syndicate. Other than that, I don't really remember my mom since she died when I was a baby, and my only family member that cares about me is my brother, Christian." Ian seemed to realise what he just said and quickly continued. "Come to think of it, you two would be great friends. The only bad thing is that he never tells me what his work is."

Oh shit. Play it cool, Lessa. You have never met Christian in your life, starting now.

"Well introduce him to me, one day. If he's better than you, that already says alot." I grinned at him and he glared.

"What if I said he was worse?"

"Well, I wouldn't believe you."

"Okay, Chandler. You win. Now... 21 questions, while we're at it?" he asked.

"I'm down."

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