Chapter Two: Highschool parties with my horny friends

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Alessia's P.O.V.

What the hell am I doing outside Carla Maine's house on a Wednesday night.

I am a sucker for parties. Anytime someone would offer, my brain would say something along the lines of:

Be reasonable and think this through.

Have funnnnnnnn. YOLO.

So many things could go wrong at a high school party.

You deserve a break.

Parties are for irresponsible teenagers.

But I am irresponsible.

Who cares. Parties are the definition of TROUBLE.

Oh, screw it. I'm going to that party.

So here I am now.

At a party.

In some fancy as fuck neighbourhood.

With my friends.

For a party.

Akina, Ellysha, Eloise and Ashley are all inside already, so I was waiting for Noah. At times I felt sorry for Noah, because he was the only guy in our group.

Well occasionally, Jonah will hang out with us so Noah isn't so lonely.

"YO CHANDLER!" someone yelled from behind me, and I turned around to see Noah walking up from his car.

"Hey, Corman." I said, linking my arm through his.

"Damn girl, you clean up nice." He said, using our daily phrase. It was sort of our 'thing'.

I gave him my reply and we walked towards the door. An idea popped into my mind as I grinned and looked at Noah.

"Raceyoutothedoorasshole." I blurted out before unlinking our arms and sprinting towards the house.

Let's just say that even though I am a fit person, I ended up on my stomach being crushed by one of my best friends.

At least I didn't trip... it was Noah's fault. Because of his stupid sport instincts, he tackled me to the ground.

Stupid quarterback and his stupid sports skills.

"Dick." I muttered as he got off me, although my voice was somewhat filled with amusement. And lucky me, Noah's response was almost immediate. Note the sarcasm.

"Did you just say you like my dick?" He asked and a few people looked at us weirdly. "I'm flattered. Truly, but -"

"Ugh. Why do I have such horny friends?" I said, interrupting his sentence, while rolling over onto my back once her got up.

I turned around so my head was closer to the door, and lifted my head up to look at Noah.
"I am NOT horny." He retorted, placing a hand over his heart and feigning offense. I burst out laughing when he pouted, and soon after he joined me.

When I finally stopped, I was still clutching my stomach and shaking my head. My eyes cracked open and I found myself staring up at someone's eyes. And they weren't green.

I sat up quickly, ignoring the other person for a second. "NOAH FREAKING CORMAN, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He got off the floor and I saw that he had somehow managed to roll all the way to a table?

I stood up, myself, and turned to look at the other guy. It was only then, that I realised the guy was to one and only, Ian Black.

Rules were meant to be broken, I suppose, and it was only a matter of time before I broke our rules.

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