Chapter Nineteen: You are officially my personal mannequin

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Alessia's P.O.V.

"So... wow. I knew you had a job singing but that was actually great." Ian said, stumbling over his words. I'm flattered, I made him at loss for words.

"Yeah. You want to eat something?" I asked and he nodded, following me into the kitchen.

"On second thought..." I mumbled looking in the pantry. "Give me a second."

I stormed up to Liam's room and opened the door and throwing one of the knives right above his head, knowing he wouldn't be stupid enough to flinch and get his brains cut out.

"What the hell, Ali?" He asked, reaching a hand up to pull the knife out of the wall.

"What the fuck happened to my food. We literally had an unlimited supply!" I said with a glare directed at him.

"Ask Jay, he came over yesterday while you were in school - he ditched." he said and I groaned, muttering profanities under my breath.

"Don't think that this gets you off the hook." I said.

Ian was still waiting in the kitchen where I left him when I got down and I told him I had to make a phone call.

"Hello?" Jay answered on the first ring and I clutched the phone in my hand in a desperate control to keep my anger under wrap.

"Jay." I growled.

"Oh hey, Ali. Gotta go, Kai's calling me. Bye!" He said in a rush before hanging up on me.

"Damn Knights are good for nothing." I groaned.

"Knights?" Ian asked and I realised he had been standing behind me.

"Oh, right. Doesn't matter. Anyway, have you asked anyone to the dance?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Not really. I don't think I'm going with anyone." he said.

"Seriously? Any girl in the school would say yes, you know." I pointed out and he groaned.

"That's exactly why I don't want to ask anyone."

I nodded my understanding and he asked me if I was going with anyone, so my nod quickly turned into a shake of my head.

"Why not?" He asked. "Any guy in the school would say yes, you know."

"Too much effort, plus if I did, I'd probably count as ditching them because I have to sing with Noah." I explained.

Would any guy say yes? I flushed a little at the hidden compliment, but it wasn't visible enough for Ian to notice.

"Okay, well see ya' around Lessa." he paused as if remembering something. "Hey... what's your full name? I think I've earned the right to know, because I've been nothing but nice to you recently."

I coughed at that statement and he chuckled. "Come on. I'm pretty sure I still deserve to know now."

"Maybe you do, maybe you don't" I replied with a grin.

"I knew it. You know you like me." he said with a smirk.

"Really? I was just getting used to the Ian who generally smiles." I teased.

"Too bad." he said.

I walked him to the door first and as soon as he stepped outside I called out to him.


"Yeah?" he asked.



"What do you mean you don't have suits?!" Akina screamed as we all ate pizza at my place.

We meaning myself, Akina, Noah, Liam, and surprisingly they let Jason join as well. It was a Saturday night... meaning the dance was on. Tomorrow.

"Well I'm not sorry, Kina, but what's the big deal. We'll just rock up in jeans and a t-shirt." Liam said.

"Yeah. The chicks dig." Jason said causing me to laugh.

"The chicks barf." Akina said as if she was reprimanding children.

I grinned at her before turning to the guys. "Come on niños pequeños, we're going shopping."

"DON'T QUESTION OUR MANHOOD." Jason screamed as Akina and I walked to my black Lamborghini Aventador.

"Uh, Lessa. This only fits two people." Akina pointed out.

"Oh, I know. That's why Lee, over here," I said slinging an arm over his shoulder. "Is driving my other one."

"What?! Lessa you never even let me touch your cars with me around." Noah whined.

"That's because you have a knack for breaking things." I pointed out with a grin.

"Fair enough." he muttered.


"Nope. Nope nope nope. Zilch. Nada. Nupe. I'm not doing that." Liam said, shaking his head vigorously.

"Me too. If you think I'm doing that, you're crazy." Jason said and Noah murmured his agreement.

"Nope!" I said linking my arm through Jason's and dragging him away. "You're officially my personal mannequin."

"You can't say no." Akina said, dragging Liam and Noah after me.

Akina and I finally persuaded the guys to do it so now we were laughing on the ground while the guys flushed in embarrassment at people who cast them curious glances while walking through the store. The three of them sent us pointed looks and I shook my head in response.

"Yo- you guys look hilarious." I cried out will grasping my stomach which hurt from laughing that hard.

"Say cheese!" Akina screamed snapping a picture.

They were in black pumps walking around in suits. It was a hilarious combination and did not look good at all.

"Okay. Now do a catwalk." Akina said clapping her hands together.

"No way in hell." Jason hissed.

I looked him dead in the eye. "Do it or I'll throw you out that window. And don't forget. We're on the third floor."

All three of them visibly gulped and I laughed as they strutted down the aisles. "Smile boys!" Akina said snapping pictures from all angles.

"Aw come on, Kina." they all whined but she just turned around and shook her butt at them.

She turned to me with a devilish grin before mouthing the word blackmail. I nodded with a sharp laugh before turning walking towards the exit.

"How do you guys even walk in these?!" Jason shouted after us and I laughed before gesturing to my Adidas.

"I don't. Only on certain occasions." I said.

"Fine, while we deal with these monstrosities, you guys can go get food and carry our suits." Noah said and I reluctantly agreed before walking out to the food court with a grumbling Akina in tow.

"Now I see why guys hate carrying our stuff when we go shopping." She said and I laughed.

"You gotta deal with it, Kina."

By the time we had gotten home, it was already 11 so everyone came to a unanimous decision to crash at my place and get ready for the dance tomorrow morning.


Wow! I updated :)) well... this is sort of a filler chapter but yeah. Also, I decided that the first person who comments and votes gets a character in my book! Just give a brief description, I guess.

Also please just vote because... WATTYS! The fact that I could even enter surprised me.

Anyway... happy reading and one more week till the holidays, so there's that.


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