Chapter Five: Get out

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Dedicated to Viv who continues to edit it for me and even though you don't have a Wattpad account- for being my number one go to to fan girl about books... and Five.

Alessia's P.O.V.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, YOU WHORE!" Dolores said as I walked into the house. Great. She was back.

"Why does it matter? You're never here for us anyway." I said.

"Because I am your mother." She spat.

"You are NOT my mother." I almost screamed.

In a flash, the bottle she had been holding, collided with the wall behind me and shattering to pieces which embedded themselves in my body.

She hit me.

Of course she did.

And that was when I snapped. The pain in my body was barely even there as I walked to her and looked right in her eyes.

"Get out." I hissed. Normally I would yell, but right now a calm rage had taken over me and was probably all that she could see on my face.

Cold and calculated anger.


Another blink.

Blinding rage.


"I can too. Dad gave it to me in his will, and he also owned it and you didn't pay any mortgage. Therefore, it's completely in my possession." I said.

Without another word, she left the house, slamming the door behind her like a 5 year old child.

I limped up to my room, the pain coming back, and went to my bathroom to clean myself up.

After I had picked out the glass fragments and bandaged everything after a shower, I sat on my bed and played with the necklace in the box in front of me.

A diamond with the name Ali engraved on it.




My name, yet not my name. I never even knew what it meant.

A buzzing sound met my ears, and I instantly shut the box, before realising the sound was from my phone.

Creepy Stalker: Did you enjoy kicking your mom out?

Creepy Stalker: I sure did.

Alessia Chandler: Who the hell are you.

Creepy Stalker: Like I said

Creepy Stalker You'll find out soon.

God, couldn't my life be normal. Without all these annoying, creepy, stupid people in my life.

And then came another night of restless sleep, once again.


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping - literally. It was early in the morning to I walked out to the balcony of the guest room and sat there, before taking out my guitar which I had brought with me.

I will always remember the day you kissed my lips
Light as a feather
And it went just like this
No, it's never been better
Than the summer of 2002

We were only eleven
But acting like grownups
Like we are in the present, drinking from plastic cups
Singing, "love is forever and ever"
Well, I guess that was true

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