Chapter Twelve: What a cliché assignment issue

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What's this? There's an Ian P.O.V!!! It's honestly not that good and probably not that necessary but... oh well. Please give pointers so I can improve :)

This chapter is dedicated to basically anyone who has read this book even though I know the first chapters are absolutely pathetic😂

Ian's P.O.V.

"Hey, bro." A voice said. "BRO. Wake the fuck up!"

"Shut up, Tin-Can." I muttered, kicking out, aiming for his jewels but catching his stomach instead.

"I'm not a stupid tin-can, you know. And I have to do something for work so hurry up and get your ass out of bed so I can actually get out of the house." he said.

"You never even told me what you do for work. And let me guess. Dad is already at his 'work'." I said, voice turning hard.

"Yeah." He muttered. "Just get up. AG'll kill me if I don't go."

"AG?" I asked.

"Doesn't involve you. Don't ask." He said, tone clipped and short.

"Fine. Get out of my room, asshole."

The door closed and not long after, I heard the sound of his bike race off.


"What crawled up your ass and died today?" Jason asked me as I slammed my locker shut.

"Nothing. I'm just pissed that my brother didn't even have the grace to even tell me what his work is." I said, as Tom came up to join us.

"Okay then. I have to go to English." Jason said as Tom and I reached our classroom.

"Dude, remind me why we are on time for class." Tom said as we opened the door.

"Because I want my seat back." I grumbled.

His face lit up when he saw Akina Heart sitting in the class as well.

I laughed lightly and he looked at me. Whipped, I mouthed and he glared.

My eyes searched the classroom, and I saw Chandler with her feet on her desk, which, surprisingly, the teacher didn't call her up for.

I turned to my seat to see Liam in it again, laughing at something that Chandler said. Noah was also in the conversation.

Damned Liam thinks he's cool because he's friends with the prankster of the school and the quarterback.

Yep, anyone would have known it was Akina and Chandler who pulled the prank, but they wouldn't have any evidence to call them out.

But it also meant I was one step closer to figuring out her name, which started with an 'A'. Not that there are many to choose from.

Note the heavy sarcasm.

I vaguely recalled how casual Chandler was with Jason. He wasn't a guy who let down his walls easily.

Heck, he wasn't a guy who let down his walls at all. Not unless he was sure the person could be trusted.

Which made me question just how much Chandler was letting on.

What the hell, Ian. Snap out of it.

My thoughts started to create a mental war, me being the innocent victim between it all. Chandler was just one girl, it wasn't like I even talked to her anyway.

But Corman does.

So what if Noah does. I'm not against it or anything. I mean, Chandler's hot, but any girl who doesn't give into my charms is bad news.

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