Chapter Fifteen: With Christmas comes the competition

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Yep, it's a double upate because... I didn't update in 10 days... Happy reading and there's nothing else to say.

(time gap because it was already nearly Christmas... or at least I think it was? I don't really get school terms in America. Anyone feel free to correct me. I'm also not going to include thanksgiving because I don't really know how it works.)

Alessia's P.O.V.

"You know, it's almost Christmas. Which means the Fire and Ice Masquerade is coming up." Noah said to me as we walked.

"Yep. I've been practising and I'm pretty sure we'll be fine." I answered. "But just so you know, one and a half months doesn't mean close. Actually no, it's basically 2 months till Christmas."

"Who cares there's no such thing as too far to say Christmas is near and besides, I already know, it's just kind of exciting." he paused for a moment to think. "But then again, with you around, everything is exciting."

I chuckled lightly at that. It was true, even more than Noah knew. In my time back in California, I had found out that my father was a gang leader, attracted the attention of the school's bad boy - unfortunately, gained enemies also known as the plastics, played pranks on people - even the meaningless ones who pissed us off with Ian's prank yet to come.

And with Christmas comes the Snowboarding competitions. Though none of it has been mentioned, I've been practising every moment I could get.

It was on a random day in December, actually. The competition. A few weeks before Christmas. You may be wondering, why isn't Ian with you yet like in the cliche stories, when it's already Christmas soon. The lovey-dovey ones with the bad girl and the bad boy that fall in love. Sorry to disappoint.

My answer. When I first came to California again, it wasn't even on my mind to get a boyfriend so I didn't see how that would change now. Not to mention, Ian and I are barely acquaintances. We can't even handle each other's company.

And my reason. Last time I wanted that it ended badly.

"Anyway, gotta go to class now. I'll see you in Calculus." I said waving goodbye to Noah.

"Cya later, Lessa."

I turned around only to crash into a wall - nope, I was being cliche - I crashed into Ian Black.

"Lessa, huh?" He asked.

"You caught me, Black. But that's not my real name." I said.

"I'm getting closer. I came to find you to tell you about the music assignment." he said.

"Yeah yeah. We can work on it at my place." I said and he nodded. "No, not that place. Here." I said scribbling down the address on a scrap piece of paper before handing it to him.

"Right." he said and I waved him off, walking to my class.


I walked to my Calculus class and Akina fell into step beside me. "Guess what!"

"What?" I said.

"Tom asked me to the Fire and Ice dance and I said yes!" she squealed and I gaped.

"Tom. As in Tom Brookes, jock and the person you have an eternal crush on." I deadpanned.

"YES." she said.

I chuckled and gave her a side hug. "That's awesome!"

She nodded enthusiastically and I quickly stopped at my locker to grab my books.

"How about you?" she said and I shook my head.


I opened my locker only to be flooded with an avalanche of notes.

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