Chapter Three: Holy sheesh kebabs

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Lessa aesthetic that I made because I was bored, above.

Alessia's P.O.V.

The song 'COPYCAT' by Billie Eilish started playing through my earphones and I started singing along.

Don't be cautious, Don't be kind
You've committed, I'm your crime
Push my button anytime -

The music was interrupted by my ringtone, and I answered, extremely pissed off that my music was interrupted only three lines in.

"NOAH BLAKE CORMAN." I yelled into my phone. "You better have a good explanation as to why you interrupted my music."

"Shit, the full name not to mention interrupting her music." He muttered to himself over the phone. "If it makes you feel better, I have great music news..." He trailed off hesitantly.

"Go on."


"Gosh, just spill already."

"We're singing at the dance!!!!!" he says and I can imagine him fist pumping the air dramatically.

Stormwell has two dances. One is senior prom, and the other is sort of the preparation dance. 3 princesses and princes are voted at the Fire and Ice Masquerade, and then one from each gender is chosen as king and queen at Prom.

"Ok, hang on, meet at the park in 10."

"Cya Lessa."

"Bye No."

I really was going to make a good first impression. Awesome singer, great prankster. What else could Stormwell ask for.

"MARCUS I'M GOING TO THE PARK." I shouted, thinking he should know where I was going.

"Ok. Helen is out getting groceries." He replied. Our mom hadn't been home for the whole week, much to our joy. I had a feeling she would be back soon though.

It was a usual cycle. Our mom would disappear for a few days, most likely at a man's house, before she came back and got drunk.

None of us had tried to do anything to stop her. What happened affected her the most, she just wasn't over her grief. Even after this long.

Truthfully, I wasn't either.

I changed into a black cropped top and a pair of ripped denim shorts, before shrugging on my leather jacket. It had this diamond pattern on the back, my dad had it made for me.

It was pretty, really. The Diamond was silver, and made up of a series of complicated lines, and there was a small crown over it, with the latin words, 'carpe diem' inserted under it.

If you weren't looking carefully, it would just look like a simple crown with a line under it.

I pulled my hair into a high ponytail, so I wouldn't get severe helmet hair. Usually I wouldn't have bothered with the helmet, but I suppose I didn't want to get injured.

Pfttt. No. That's probably not the reason, but who knows. I finally decided to ditch my car and ride my motorbike - well, one of them - instead.

8 ½ years ago
"Daddy!" I squealed when the doorbell rang.

My mom came up behind me and helped open the door because I couldn't reach the handle. She smiled warmly at me before reaching up to kiss my dads cheek.

When she walked back to the kitchen, my dad picked me up and ruffled my hair. I wasn't that heavy for a 9 year old.

"Daddddddddd. Not the hair!" I squealed before fixing it.

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