Chapter 67

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Dimensional Gap

(Moments ago)

"NO!" Leiko screamed in horror, but she knew her words held no power over the situation that unveiled.

Great Red clenched his teeth as he watched his brother-in-law helplessly bound to those goddamn golden chains, with Amenominakanushi floating above him, preparing to finish him off.

'C'mon kid, get out of there! Do something!'

He blinked, sensing sudden movement. He turned his head to see Ophis floating hastily away.

"Hey, Cthulhu, where are you going?!"

He was utterly ignored, causing him to grunt lowly. He flew close to his 'sibling', grabbing her by the shoulder and yanked her back to turn to face him.

"Hey, wait! You're not planning to go save the kid are yo-?"

And then he saw her expression. Teary-eyed, yet extremely determined. It was almost frightful to look at her like that. She genuinely seemed like a protective wife.

"You are planning to go there and save the kid."

Ophis said nothing back. Almost petulantly, she shrugged his hand off and turned back around.


Being called by her true name made her pause.

"We promised to let Issei handle this without us. You promised to have faith in him."


Great Red didn't hear an answer, but he knew she was listening to him. He pressed further.

"We need to let him do this on his own-"

"Great Red, I, have a question." Ophis said, her voice eerily calm. She turned around and glared at him with an unreadable expression, "Would a human wife let her husband 'handle things on his own' while he is injured, immobile and at 'gunpoint', with no one there to help him? Would a wife who knows she is perfectly capable of assisting her husband in such a dire situation, just idly sit by for the sake of a promise?"

"That's EXACTLY why the kid doesn't want us to interfere! You don't have faith in his capabilities! He feels like you treat him as a possession and not someone who can stand by your side."

Ophis' eyes went wide a little and even more moisture gathered around her sockets. With a saddened gaze, she looked at her hands. But quickly enough, her determined expression returned as she bit her lower lip harshly.

"I-I cannot deny that..." she finally admitted, "I can't deny that I have viewed my Issei as nothing but a possession of mine. That more often than not, I have remained ignorant of how he feels or what he actually desires. But that is not why I want to help him now. It is because he has proven himself as powerful enough, that I want him to return to my side. It's not just because he is my mate, but because he is such a wondrous creature, that I want to stand by his side and face such obstacles together."

Great Red starred at her with an unreadable expression. He turned towards Leiko and Trihexa for help, but the look on their faces sent a clear enough message.

They wanted Issei to come back to them. How he does it, is not important to them. Just that he does.

'So we're just going to disregard our faith for the kid? Just like that...'

Great Red growled deep in his throat, cursing Amenominakanushi for being too damn effective of an enemy against his little brother.

'No, we still have faith in him. We just can't sit flat on our asses and watch as he suffers. Not any longer. Not when we know he wouldn't have to suffer if we just came and helped him.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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