Chapter 32

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Death's Domain

"What the hell are you doing here, you damn bastard!"

"I didn't come here to start a fight with you, Yoru."

"Like hell you didn't! Just get out of my sight! I don't want to talk to you!"

"Do you really think I have to talk to you? No, as a matter of fact, I really don't. I wouldn't even be here if I didn't want to talk to you."

Yoru sent a harsh glower over to his cousin, the son of Amaterasu. The son of Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, after having his death by the hands of his cousin, had been sealed and trapped within the Realm of the Shinigami. Much like their uncle Susanoo, Yoru was able to endure through the lethal attacks of the lost souls in Death's Domain.

The Lunar Energy flowing from Yoru exploded through his prison, sending bolts of energy towards Issei, who stood still. The bolts soared past him, almost close to coming in contact with him. Issei didn't even flinch, choosing to stare quietly at his cousin, who glared back.

"Yoru. I won't say I'm sorry for what happened to you, because I would be lying. You know I didn't have a choice."

"Oh, please! Don't act as you're the hero!"

"I didn't say I was the hero."

"Well you obviously are! You defeated me in order to save those pathetic Devils, Angels, and all of the humans on Earth! That's what a hero does, right? Always defeating the villain!"

"It may come as a surprise to you, Yoru, but you started this little rivalry between us, not me."

Yoru uttered a growling sound that caused the lost souls around him to back away in fear. The son of the Moon's power grew fiercer, becoming more vibrant with each release.

"I didn't start shit! It was because of you! It was always you!"

"What are you talking about? The first time we met was six months ago! And even in those past years, we've never met once!"

"You don't feel the same way, cousin, because for some reason you could never sense my energy!"


"You heard me. Don't you remember what those supernatural idiots always said about us? The Sun and the Moon in a constant state of disarray and imbalance. We're destined enemies, cousin!"

"Well maybe we don't have to be!"

Yoru bristled at his cousin's unexpected words, until he suddenly fell silent. Issei stood where he was, noticing Yoru's hesitance. The son of Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto seemed to be struggling to respond to Issei's declaration.

Yoru's eyes twitched as he tried to concentrate. He always hated Issei because of what he represented. The Sun and the Moon were separated, but Yoru never understood why. Did Issei know why? Yoru assumed that his cousin should have been aware of his Shinto heritage by now.


The Lunar God looked up at his cousin and kept his scowl.

"You fool."

Issei blinked several times.


"Didn't you hear what I said? I called you a fool! You can't honestly expect us to do what our parents failed to do, you moron!"

"Damn it, Yoru!" Issei cursed his cousin, "We won't know until we try! Don't you understand, I'm just trying to make some amends between us!"

Yoru looked at his cousin, and then he formed a sadistic grin on his face.

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