"Lucky you. I've two more days until my day off," he said and went back to pushing the dust mop down the isle. Every couple of steps looking back at her over his shoulder, wearing a smile.

"Yeah, well see you." As she walked through the front doors, she thought, I didn't think the day would ever end.

Amy came to her small frog green hatchback, which looked as if it had seen better days. She unbuttoned her smock as she unlocked and opened her door. After tossing the smock over the front passenger seat and her jacket and purse into the back, she climbed into the car. Quickly, she put her keys in the ignition and went to turn over the car. But, the car was acting like the rest of her day and wouldn't start.

I need to get the starter's wire fixed, she thought. With a sigh, she opened her door and slammed it shut. She took a breath and sent out a silent pray before trying the key again. The car started and her breathing returned to normal.

She rolled her shoulders trying to chase the rest of the day's tension away while she waited for the car to warm up. The wait was just one more thing that needed to be done in a long day. But the longer she waited the more of the day's tension flowed away. One of these days, she thought. I am going to buy a new car.

After the car's idle became more rhythmical, Amy put it into gear. The car gave a few strong jerks before going along smoothly. But the engine still didn't sound right. "Crap." She decided to cut through the park. She hated driving through the park at night, but it would cut her drive time almost in half and the car's engine didn't sound right.

As she came to the darkest part of the park, the car jumped, jolted, and died out. "Damn it," she said and thought, just what I need.

"Come on." She tried the key while pumping the gas peddle. A sick cow sound came from under the hood of the car and then nothing.

She sat for a moment while looking out over the dark park. She reached into her purse and pulled out her cellphone, no signal and a quarter till twelve. "Great," she mumbled. This is just flipping great. The darn carn had to die in the only part of the park that didn't receive phone service. With grumble to herself, she put her cell phone back into her purse.

With another look at the dark park, she tried to decide what to do. Late Fall was right around the corner. The longer she sat in the car, the colder it go and the darker the park seemed to get. She knew not many people traveled in the park at night. Those who did, she more than likely didn't want to meet. A small shiver run through her as she sat there a few more moments. "I'm not getting any where by sitting here. I just need to get to where I will get cell phone reception."

With a graon, Amy got out, reached into the back seat of her car to retrieve her purse and jacket. "A perfect ending to a perfect day." She slammed the car door closed and gave one last look around hoping for another passerby. Out in the open everything seem to be even darker. The night air had a cool moisture to it that wasn't present inside of the car. She looked closer at the trees which lined the road. They were thick, dark, and barely let in the light of the full moon. She took a deep breath which turnned into a groan at the end and started for home.

After walking long enough to be out of the sight of her car, a noise came from in front of Amy and off to her right. Her heart jumped into her throat and started to race. She looked toward the stand of trees, where the sound came from. I hope that was just a small animal, she thought.

After looking at the spot where the noise had come from and not seeing nothing for a few moments, her heart's pounding slowed. Amy walked a few more feet when the sound came again. "OK, that was too big to be a raccoon." She knew, she only had two choices. She could either return to her car or push forward. The noise came again and Amy quickly turned back toward the car.

As she turned, Amy saw for the first time that someone was following her. He was a tall slender man. She couldn't tell much else in the dark. So much for that option. Her heart rate began to pick up. With a quick glance towards the area of the trees where the noise has come from, she saw another man step out from behind a tree. He was shorter and heavier than the first.

Eventhough her heart was racing, Amy slowly put her purse strap over her head, placing it across her chest to make sure it was secure and took a couple of steps away from the two men. She wasn't going to leave her purse to be found by these two if she could help it. She didn't want them to know where she lived at.

Once she got her purse where she wanted it, she turned and took off in a run away from the two men. She knew she was leaving behind the protection her car might have offered. But the tall, thin man was between her and it. So better to not confront a potential threat. Thank the Heavens, I wore my running shoes today instead of my loafers, the stray thought crossed her mind.

Amy heard the men give chase. The shorter of the two men yelled, "Hey, come back so we can have some fun."

After running a few minutes, Amy was breathing hard and a stitch was starting to form in her side. She knew she wasn't going to be able to keep running for much longer. With a glance over her shoulder, Amy saw that the two men were only about twenty feet away and closing in fast.

The fear that filled her gave her another small burst of energy. Amy renewed her flight. Another look over her shoulder told Amy the men had also increased their speed and was gaining on her even faster.

Maybe, I can lose them on the pathways, she thought as she saw the trail head coming up. Once she saw the small break in the trees, Amy headed for it. She went to jump the curb and misjudged the height and tripped over it.

As the grass came up to greet her, fear turnned into terror. But, she wasn't going to stop. Quickly, she pushed herself to her feet and took a stride when a hand grabbed her came from behind her. It gripped her shoulder so firmly that it jerked so that she turned to faced her two stalkers.

She took in a quick breath and did something that she hadn't done in years. Amy made full eye contact with her attacker. She filled her thoughts with all the hatred, fear, and terror that she could muster.

The tall man's face went blank for a moment, then it filled with fear. His grip loosened.

When Amy felt the grip loosen, she jerked away from him and stepped away while grasping for air. She continued to hold the tall man's gaze, never breaking eye contact. The man infront of her began to break out into a sweat.

Soon the second, shorter man had caught up. He put his hand on the taller ones shoulder and shook it. "Hey," he said, "What are you doing?" He reached toward Amy and shook the taller man again.

Amy took another step away, stepping out of arm's reach of the two men while taking a couple more deep breaths. I don't know in I can control two.

Suddenly, a bright light flowed over the small group. Finally, a police officer when I need one, Amy thought and stepped back toward the light away from the two men. For the first time, she got a good look at her attackers. The one whose gaze she was holding was tall, slim, and blond. He looked very unkept. The other man was a stocky brunette. But, he was sharper dressed.

While keeping her eyes on the men and stepping back towards the light, Amy noticed the second man was now wearing the same look of fright as the first. She wondered why they hadn't taken off yet. She knew she could have only stopped one of them for a moment, but never both them for this long. Maybe, this is their first time for this sort of thing, she thought and gave a small snort of disbelief.

Amy kept backing toward the light until she bumped into something. As she tried to regain her balance, she felt a large hand steading her. She turnned to thank the officer when she noticed the hand on her shoulder was silver. Completeing her turn, she got a good look at her savior. It was man shaped. But, the thing was silver from head to toe. She screamed and fainted as a bright beam of light flooded her eyes. It engulfed her and the silver man.

Golden Light, Silver LightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora