Chapter 26 ~ Pop Goes the Weasel.

Start from the beginning

She is the perfect bait for me and everyone knows I'll bite each time.
This whole experience would have been different if Axel had never caught her.
I either would have escaped within the day or got murdered for being too rebellious.

At this stage I'm finding either option far more appealing than my current one.

Grunting and groaning I push off of my makeshift bed, favouring my good arm and sluggishly wrap the towel tightly around my body.
I shuffle over to the door and unlock it, refusing to think it through further and swing open the door revealing the eager Rosik.

He easily peers over my shoulder and chuckles at my invention while I roll my eyes.

"Toilet paper?" He questions and I shrug.

"Yeah I know.. It doesn't really suit my style. Your shitty attitude would be a perfect match though!" I exclaim with such false cheer that I impulsively scowl afterwards due to the bad taste in my mouth.

I brush past Rosik and sit on the edge of the bed, clutching my towel so tightly that the knuckles on my hand have turned white, the only sign of my discomfort as I keep my face blank.

"I'm not sorry for earlier."
Rosik provides as he turns off the bathroom light and then makes his way over to the bed in only a pair of black boxers.

I fight the urge to flee and hold his eye-contact until he pauses in front of me.

"Well at least you're being honest."
I reply glumly and kick my dangling legs as my dislocated wrist begins to lightly throb once more, making me grit my teeth.

"Do you want me to look at your wrist?" Rosik questions softly and without waiting for a response he crouches down to grasp it.

I'm quicker though and manage to push myself into the bed and fold myself over so that I'm covering my sore wrist.

"I'd rather see a doctor." I murmur and continue sliding backwards as Rosik begins to get a gleam in his eyes.

I severely regret choosing the bed to rest on but I need to accept the situation so as Rosik begins crawling on the bed after me I frantically look for ways to deter him.

I chuck a pillow at his head which he swats away easily and suddenly lunges at me, pinning down my arms and legs and I remain perfectly still, not wanting to hurt my wrist further.

"Today has been long for the both of us and tomorrow is going to be longer. I want to sleep." I grit out and breathe heavily through my nose as Rosik lowers his face into my hair and inhales loudly.

"Can we cuddle?" Rosik murmurs and begins pressing his near naked body against mine shrouded in a towel.
I grimace and try to roll over.

"Can we not?" Rosik barks out a laugh but rolls over much to my pleasure.

"It's either cuddling me or being tied up Kitty." Rosik points out and without saying a word I hold out my good arm and position it against the headboard, my choice obvious.

Rosiks chuckle dies down and by the time he's tied my arm securely and a tad too tightly his grin is no where to be seen.

Thankfully Rosik leaves my swollen wrist alone and I grimace as I hold it against my chest tightly, trying to keep it as still as possible assuming that that's the safest thing to do.

Obviously offended Rosik tries to get back at me by ripping my towel off the moment I'm tied up and while I still squirm and swear I'm far more content now compared to in the bathroom.

"So what's the plan once we reach your base? How are you going to manage to buy both Dana and myself?"
I question with a bored tone, trying to ignore how my body breaks out in goosebumps as Rosik props his head up with his hand and starts drawing spirals over my skin with his middle finger.

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