Chapter 19

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Yalin looked at her new teacher, Ellixa as she taught her more advance magic. The magical energy turned the fire to a very vivid blue and violet. The magic danced across the grass, but didn't burn a thing. Ellixa smiled as she watched Yalin's eyes grow wider.

"How long has it been and you still don't cease to be amazed at the wonders of magic?" Ellixa asked, giggling a little bit in the moonlight.

"Out of all the fire spells you have taught me, that is the only one that destroys exactly what you want." Yalin replied, "should everyone be amazed at the magical wonders? Does not such power deserve respect?"

"Well said, young one. Perhaps you will go farther than even I, "Ellixa replied.

"Maybe that's my goal." Yalin teased.

"This is wizard fire, Yaguil said it's one of the most basic spells, a wizard learns, yet one of the strongest. The reason I taught you all the fire spells beforehand was for practice of this spell. If you do not have the right control over the fire, you will destroy everything it comes in contact with. This fire burns with an ice cold feeling, one that bites like the void. Remember that as you learn this spell."

Yalin nodded, finding any reply with words to not quit fit the situation. The two grabbed their gear, as the continued, it was a nice break to learn a spell, or see one perform while they were on the road. Ellixa had explained that she needed to see the wizard Yaguil. There was much going on at this point in time and Yalin just wished things were simpler. She wished Kane was here, he would know what to do.

The cool night air brushed up against the two women as they walked along the dirt road. Ellixa always knew how to keep interesting conversation and knew a well balancing of talking too much and too little. Yalin realized that for a witch she seemed rather nice, not like anything in her own history. In the early years of earth around the 14th century to the 18th century they burned so called witches to the stake. Now Yalin wondered if magic was real in both realms, or only in this one. She wondered now if those witches really could perform spells, as she glanced back at her teacher.

"What is on your mind?" Ellixa asked, glancing back into Yalin's vivid green eyes.

Yalin glanced back into the black spotted red eyes of her teacher, "nothing, I just wonder when Kane will be back, it has been three months sense are part."

"Travel takes time, I assure thee, and he is well taken care of." Ellixa replied.

Ellixa knew better, Yaguil had commented that the sword wielder was at his castle now, recovering from a close encounter with the Iron Knight. Yaguil was a powerful wizard and Ellixa had asked why he didn't just kill the knight himself. When the wizard had heard her comment, he looked to the floor, replying it was not his destiny. Ellixa didn't understand why the man followed her fortune of him to the note. It was a common practice among wizards and witches to give fortunes to each other, one couldn't see their own future, and it was one of the many magical rules.

"I don't really want to talk about it anymore." Yalin replied.

"Alright," Ellixa replied, watching the stars in the sky.

It was noon the next day, when the two stopped to sleep in a ruined shack off the road. It was a quick stop for the two, as in the next three hours they were off once more on the road. It was on the sixth day of the week, six days later from when they were at the shake when they found the stone arc of the wizard's tower. Yalin smiled as she played with wizard fire in her hand, which was just a small mass of fire. She couldn't quit make fire balls yet, but she was able to make an inch wide dimeter in the palm of her hand, slowly and surely she was mastering the skill. Ellixa was quite impressed with the girl's progress, as she made the small orb fly around in her hands.

"Well, we are here." Ellixa commented smiling.

Yalin gave a reassuring smile, "Yup. Once more, why are we here?"

"I'm ill, as I told you before; I was cursed by a cove of witches. They took away my ability to age, and to eat, for not partaking of the flesh of children. They saw fit that I would never again eat. The wizard of this land, Yaguil, has need of help to form a cure with me. We hope between our experiences that we may form the precise treatment." Ellixa replied.

"I thought ye could eat, you ate food when I was at your house." Yalin replied.

"I can eat, but only of human flesh, every other substance runs through my body giving me no satisfaction. I only ate not to scare thee."

"Well that is scary." Yalin replied eyes wide.

Ellixa laughed, at the expression Yalin gave, as the witch offered her hand over to the arc. Yalin followed the hand, walking through the arc as blue waves rippled around her body. Blood stained the stone floor where she looked. Splinters of wood laid across the floor, who ever had cleaned up had done a horrible job. It was seconds later when Ellixa stepped through worry striking her mind.

The witch looked around, for signs of the wizard before calling out, "Yaguil, old man?"

Yalin looked as she touched iron railing; small drops of blood trailing to the top, "Ellixa over here."

Ellixa rushed over, finding the dried droplets of blood. She walked up the followed up the steps. Yalin glanced back as she heard Ellixa's steps behind her. Both women rushed to the top, until they found small hums of voices through a thick wooden door. The wooded door had Iron at its corners, with a design with the dark metal. Yalin placed glanced at the nob, smothered with dried blood. Ellixa gripped the handle, swinging the door open, ready to cast a spell.

Kane held glanced over, hunched in his seat, as the wizard was explaining something to him about magic. Kane's chest was bear, only holding rapping round his wound, where the cloth had been stained by his own blood. The man's hair fell to the bottom of his eyes, and his facial hair had luckily been maintained to some degree in recent events. He held that same rugged look, but his eyes didn't seem to be as cold. Beside Kane was a fair woman, with brown lushes hair, she seemed to look the part of a model, but wore armor like a warrior. Beside the couch was her bow.

Yalin's eyes widened as Kane stood up, wincing in pain as he made his way to the young blonde woman. He wrapped his arms around the woman as she squeezed back, tears falling from her eyes. Kane felt the pain from her squeeze, if his wound hadn't healed so fast, it would have begun to bleed again. Kane looked at the woman; she had become much more mature looking in the last three months. Her eyes seemed to not be so big, like a young child's, she had truly grown into a woman, her body filling out, and more like a woman's. Her appearance had taken a different road, she had seemed to lose her young teenage look, but kept her cute personality.
"I guess I can't call you runt anymore." Kane said, kissing the girl on the top of her head.

The woman glanced up, at the man a foot and half taller than her, "I guess not."

Kane laughed, the first laugh any one had heard from his mouth, "No, I'll have to come up with something new."

Yalin glanced at Kane's abdomen, as the rugged man motioned for her to sit, "What happened to you? Are you okay?"

"Yalin, I'm fine, take a seat." Kane replied with a smirk.

"Yalin Vibe?" Senyela questioned, as she looked over with different perspective.

"And you are?" Yalin replied, offering her hand.

Senyela took her hand, giving her a gentle but firm shake, one only business women learned, "Commander Kiilla Senyela, but I insist, Senyela."

"Nice to meet you," Yalin smiled, as she retrieved her hand.

"Ah young Yalin!" the wizard commented, practically leaping from his seat, "Ellixa says nothing but great things about you!"

Ellixa walked through the room a smile across her face as she adored the reunion. She knew something along the lines would happen, as they all became acquainted. Ellixa stood still as Kane nodded to her. Ellixa figured the gesture was as much a thanks she would get from the battle hardened man.

"By this time tomorrow we will forge the Blade of Legend." The wizard smiled.

"Ah, exciting." Ellixa replied.

"When do we leave?" Kane replied, "I've got a score to settle." 

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